
How to Truly Satisfy Your Employee, According to Harvard Research

Beyond paychecks and office perks, a Harvard professor reveals a profound truth. The key to contentment isn't material rewards but the acknowledgment of one's efforts. Dive into why recognized accomplishment trumps all other incentives.

September 2, 2023
Mohit Sahni
How to Truly Satisfy Your Employee, According to Harvard Research

In the corporate maze, there's always a buzz about what truly keeps employees ticking. Is it the hefty paycheck at the end of the month? The fancy job title? Or perhaps the alluring office perks like free lunches and game rooms? But what if the real secret to employee happiness isn't found in any of these? 

What if it's something more fundamental, more intrinsic? According to a Harvard Business School professor, there's one standout factor that holds the key to employee contentment. And no, it's not about the size of their wallet or the view from their office window. It's about being recognized for their accomplishments, about knowing that their work truly matters.

The True Value of Employee Happiness

When you picture a thriving workplace, what comes to mind? Perhaps it's state-of-the-art facilities, innovative projects, or impressive revenue charts. But beneath these tangible indicators, there lies a more profound metric, often overlooked: employee happiness.

It's not just a feel-good factor. Employee happiness is a potent business catalyst. Study after study highlights a simple truth: happy employees work harder. It's not about clocking extra hours but about the quality, creativity, and dedication they bring to each task. Their enthusiasm becomes infectious, elevating team morale and driving projects forward with a zest that's hard to replicate.

Moreover, happiness isn't just about boosting performance in the present. It has long-term implications. A content employee is more likely to stay, reducing turnover rates and the associated costs of hiring and training new personnel. They become brand ambassadors, their satisfaction radiating beyond office walls to potential clients and recruits. And here's a kicker: happiness makes people functionally smarter. It's as if joy fine-tunes the brain, enhancing decision-making, problem-solving, and innovative thinking.

Decoding Happiness: Myths vs. Reality

The quest for the secret sauce of employee happiness often takes us down some well-trodden paths. We think, surely, a fatter paycheck will spark joy. After all, doesn't everyone want to earn more? Or perhaps it's about status, with high-flying job titles and corner offices being the coveted trophies. Maybe it's the culture – those hip workplaces with bean bags, team outings, and no-jerks-allowed policies.

But here's the twist. Dive into the data and these commonly held beliefs start to crumble. Higher pay and elevated job titles, while appealing on the surface, don't correlate directly with increased happiness. Whether you're in a blue-collar role or a white-collar one, the happiness meter tends to hover around the same mark. Similarly, the nonprofit versus for-profit debate? It's a draw when it comes to job satisfaction.

Harvard's Golden Nugget

When it comes to unlocking the mystery of employee contentment, Arthur Brooks, a renowned professor from Harvard Business School, offers a refreshing take. It's not about the paychecks with many zeros or a corner office view; it's about something profoundly human. Brooks insists that the cornerstone of happiness in the workplace lies in a "sense of recognized accomplishment." It's about feeling that your contributions at work don't just vanish into the ether but are noticed, valued, and celebrated.

In a candid conversation with HBR, Brooks delves deeper, answering the pivotal question: What kind of jobs truly make employees happy? The surprising revelation? Neither higher pay nor a grandiose title guarantees happiness. Blue-collar or white-collar, for-profit or nonprofit - employees across the spectrum report similar levels of job satisfaction. 

So, if money and status aren’t the magic potions, what is? It boils down to a sense of achievement and the recognition that comes with it. When employees feel that they're genuinely making a difference and that their achievements are acknowledged, that's when they truly shine.

This insight reframes our understanding of job satisfaction. It’s not about external accolades but an internal recognition of value. Employees crave the validation that their work has meaning, that they're driving change, and that this change doesn't go unnoticed. As Brooks succinctly puts it, happiness stems from "earning success" and feeling that you're "creating value" both in your life and in your professional journey.

The Universal Craving

Employees, regardless of their role or rank, have an innate desire to be seen, acknowledged, and validated. This isn't just about vanity or seeking praise. It's a deep-rooted psychological need that ties back to our very essence as humans. When our efforts are recognized fairly, it sends a signal that we're valuable and that our contributions matter.

Arthur Brooks' insights shed light on this very sentiment. He suggests that beyond the trappings of high pay or lofty job titles, what employees truly crave is a transparent and genuine acknowledgment of their contributions. It's about feeling that their efforts are moving the needle, making a difference, and being noticed for it. When there's a clear and direct link between what an employee does and the recognition they receive, it fosters a sense of purpose and belonging.

Yet, many organizations miss the mark here. They pour resources into bonuses, perks, and other tangible rewards, overlooking the simple act of genuine acknowledgment. But the truth is, when employees see their hard work reflected in the company's success and feel a personal connection to that achievement, it creates a powerful motivation loop. 

It's a reminder that their role, no matter how big or small, has a meaningful impact. Happiness, in this context, springs from the simple joy of knowing one's work resonates and leaves a mark.

When Purpose Outshines Pay

When it comes to rewarding employees, many companies instinctively reach for the financial lever, thinking bonuses or raises are the ultimate tokens of appreciation. While fair compensation is undeniably important, it's not the sole ingredient in the recipe for genuine job satisfaction. 

Adam Grant's research at Wharton drives this point home. In a compelling study, call center workers who heard firsthand how their efforts changed someone's life saw a whopping 20% jump in revenue. It wasn't a bigger paycheck that fueled this surge, but the profound realization of the impact of their work.

So, before you consider adding another zero to a bonus or installing the latest office gadgetry, take a moment to reflect on the essentials. Do your employees genuinely see the value of their contributions? Do they feel acknowledged and appreciated for the difference they make? In the quest for a happier workplace, it's clear: a sense of purpose and genuine recognition far outweigh the allure of monetary rewards. Meaning, it seems, truly does trump money.


A Complete Guide to Empowering Employees in the AI Revolution

May 9, 2023
Disha Shah
A Complete Guide to Empowering Employees in the AI Revolution

The dawn of the artificial intelligence (AI) era has brought forth a plethora of opportunities and challenges in the workplace. AI is undeniably a game-changer with the potential to increase efficiency, enhance creativity, and improve decision-making. However, concerns about job displacement, data privacy, and ethical implications persist. 

As a leader, it is crucial to effectively introduce AI to your workforce and empower employees to harness the potential of this groundbreaking technology. In this in-depth article, we provide you with a comprehensive guide for navigating the AI revolution and fostering a successful AI-integrated workplace.

Cultivating a Culture of AI Acceptance

To ease apprehensions surrounding AI, leaders must establish a culture of open communication. Employees will feel comfortable expressing their concerns and asking questions by creating an environment that encourages dialogue. Share success stories and debunk myths to create a positive perception of AI within the organization. This foundation of trust will pave the way for a smoother AI adoption process.

Encourage employees to explore AI tools and technologies by organizing workshops, hands-on demonstrations, and interactive learning sessions. This fosters a sense of ownership and curiosity and helps employees understand AI's practical applications and benefits. They will develop a firsthand perspective on how AI can improve their work.

Showcasing AI's Value with Real-Life Applications

One of the most effective ways to gain employee buy-in is by demonstrating how AI can enhance efficiency and productivity. Present case studies of companies that have successfully adopted AI and showcase how these tools have streamlined workflow and improved overall performance. Discuss specific examples of AI applications, such as automating repetitive tasks, optimizing scheduling, and enabling data-driven decision-making.

Beyond efficiency, AI has the potential to augment human creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Share examples of AI-powered creative tools, such as content generation software and design assistants, and discuss their benefits. Inspire employees to explore the potential of AI in their own work by showing how the technology can complement and elevate their skills.

Collaborative AI Implementation

Involving employees in the decision-making process when adopting AI tools is essential for fostering a sense of collaboration and trust. Gather feedback and suggestions from employees across various departments to ensure everyone has a voice in the AI integration process. Highlight the unique ways different teams can utilize AI to address their specific challenges and goals.

Customized training and support can help employees adapt to AI-driven changes in their respective job roles. Develop tailored learning experiences and provide ongoing resources to empower employees to utilize AI tools and technologies effectively. This could include role-specific training sessions, mentorship programs, and access to online courses or certifications.

Addressing Ethical and Legal Considerations

A responsible approach to AI adoption involves adhering to data privacy regulations and ethical best practices. Discuss industry-specific concerns and guidelines with your employees, emphasizing the importance of maintaining compliance and upholding ethical standards. This conversation should cover topics such as data protection, transparency, and fairness in AI applications.

Address concerns about intellectual property, ownership, and accountability in AI-generated content by establishing clear guidelines and expectations for employees. Discuss potential issues, such as plagiarism and biased decision-making, and ensure employees understand their responsibilities when using AI tools. This will help mitigate potential issues and foster a responsible approach to AI adoption.

Maintaining an Agile Workforce in the AI Era

To stay competitive in the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-driven industries, it is vital to maintain an agile workforce that can quickly adapt to change. Encourage continuous learning and skill development by providing employees with access to educational resources, such as online courses, workshops, and industry conferences.

Establishing a culture of innovation and adaptability will ensure that your organization remains resilient and able to capitalize on the opportunities presented by AI. Encourage employees to experiment with new ideas and approaches and celebrate their successes and learnings. This will create an environment where employees feel motivated to grow and evolve alongside AI technologies.

Evaluating and Measuring AI Impact

To ensure the successful integration of AI in the workplace, it is essential to evaluate and measure its impact on your organization regularly. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the effectiveness of AI tools and strategies. Analyze data and employee feedback to identify areas where AI has improved efficiency, productivity, or innovation, as well as areas where improvements can be made.

By closely monitoring the performance of AI tools and their impact on your organization, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize their use, address any issues, and maximize the benefits of AI integration.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, successfully navigating the AI revolution requires a multifaceted approach that includes cultivating a culture of acceptance, showcasing AI's value, implementing AI collaboratively, addressing ethical and legal concerns, monitoring the evolving AI landscape, embracing the human-AI partnership, maintaining an agile workforce, and evaluating and measuring AI impact. 

By adopting this comprehensive approach, leaders can empower employees to harness the potential of AI and drive their organizations toward a prosperous and innovative future.

Emotional Wellbeing

Riding the Wave of Inflation: A Guide to Investments

November 11, 2022
Usha Mallya
Riding the Wave of Inflation: A Guide to Investments

Inflation is a long-term pattern of rising prices across the economy yearly. Inflation rates indicate the rate of erosion of the value of an investment over time as well as the loss of purchasing power. Investing in assets requires a return on investment consistent with their living standard. 

To overcome the effects of inflation on your investment, you must have financial planning and knowledge. Here are a few things you should know. 

Inflation: What Causes It?

Inflation occurs when the demand for an item or service exceeds the supply of that good or service. This is referred to as demand-pull inflation, and it causes price increases. 

Inflation is also caused by a rise in the cost of producing products and services. As the cost of manufacturing an item rises, manufacturers raise the selling price in order to achieve or maintain a specified profit. This is referred to as cost-pull inflation.

Here's a chart demonstrating how a lakh's value decreases over time to help you comprehend this better.

‍Inflation: What Causes It?

Financial vs Physical Investment

Physical assets can be felt, seen, touched, or held, such as real estate, precious metals, jewellery, plant and machinery, vehicles, tools, etc. These assets must be maintained, repaired, and upgraded, which can lead to expenses.

An intangible asset, such as shares, bonds, deposits in banks, accounts receivables, goodwill, copyrights, patents, etc., cannot be seen or touched, except for the records proving ownership of the asset, for example, shares, bonds, deposits in banks. The value of financial support does not depreciate or diminish with time. Nevertheless, depending on market conditions, the value of a financial asset can appreciate or depreciate.

Asset Classes and Inflation

The value of liquid assets tends to rise less over time than the value of other types of assets since inflation affects them similarly. Because of this, liquid assets are more susceptible to inflation's effects. The larger economy tends to retain fewer liquid assets when inflation rates are high.

Although illiquid assets can generate interest and grow in value, inflation also affects them. Investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds is one of the best ways to protect savings against inflation. In times of high inflation, people often spend their liquid assets on consumer goods or invest them in interest-paying assets.

Systematic Investment in Equity Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds offer a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), a means of investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, say once a month or once a quarter, instead of making a lump-sum investment. Instalments could be as low as INR 500 per month and are similar to recurring deposits. Moreover, it is convenient since your bank can give you standing instructions to deduct the monthly amount.  

Here are some examples of the power of compounding

‍Systematic Investment in Equity Mutual Funds

Three Golden Rules of Investment

Start Early

It is recommended that you start early in order to gain greater financial wellbeing and to maximise your returns on investment. If you allow your investment portfolio to generate returns over time, your returns will essentially create more returns. In technical terms, this is called compounding, proving that even small investments can accumulate into large sums over time.

Invest Regularly

Regularly investing rather than attempting to time a lump sum investment can help you become a more disciplined investor. Ultimately, you must invest no matter how high or low the price is. As a result, investing becomes less emotional, and you can put your money to work more quickly.

Invest for Long Term

The relationship between volatility and time is an advantage of long-term investing. The volatility of investments held for a more extended period tends to be lower than the volatility of assets held for a shorter period. The longer you invest, the more likely you will survive market downturns.

Investments with their risk vs return potential

Three Golden Rules of Investment


If the returns on an investor's assets are less than the rate of inflation, even if they show profits, they will lose money. Additionally, individuals should ensure that their income increases at least as much as inflation; otherwise, they are technically earning less than they would otherwise and losing financial stability.

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