
What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks

Imagine your brain as a bustling city. The traffic of thoughts and tasks builds up during meetings. Breaks are like traffic lights, allowing the mind to slow down and the traffic to clear.

August 1, 2023
Mohit Sahni
What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks

Ever felt like your brain was stuck in a never-ending loop of video meetings, a mind-numbing carousel of screens and voices? You’re not alone. Millions around the world have been in that same sinking boat, trapped in back-to-back video conferences that drain the life out of the workday.

But what if there was science behind this feeling? What if it wasn't just a gut reaction but a measurable response happening inside your brain? 

Microsoft decided to dive into this very question, peeling back the layers of our Zoom-fatigued minds.

With electroencephalogram (EEG) caps and a well-thought-out experimental design, they set out to dissect this modern-day conundrum. And what they found was not just fascinating; it was enlightening.

Welcome to the deep dive into the scientific underbelly of meeting fatigue. 

The Back-to-Back Meeting Phenomenon

What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks
Source: Microsoft’s Human Factors Lab

We all felt it: the accumulating stress from one meeting to the next. Microsoft's study, conducted among people participating in video meetings and monitored by electroencephalogram (EEG) equipment, put data into our feelings. As consecutive video meetings increased, so did stress.

“Our research shows breaks are important, not just to make us less exhausted by the end of the day, but to actually improve our ability to focus and engage while in those meetings,” says Michael Bohan, senior director of Microsoft’s Human Factors Engineering group, who oversaw the project.

Microsoft isn't just identifying the problem; they're pointing to an easy remedy: taking a break in between meetings. 

The Science Behind the Break

Work used to be different. A 9-to-5 job, a desk, a chair, and maybe a few office plants. But with the rise of remote work and back-to-back video meetings, the workplace has become a battlefield of cognitive overload and stress. 

Thankfully, science is here to help us understand why a break isn't just nice – it's necessary.

1. Breaks Reset the Brain

Beta waves – those little electrical signals our brains send out – they spike with stress. But when you take a break and perhaps indulge in a bit of meditation, those beta waves calm down.

Imagine your brain as a bustling city. The traffic of thoughts and tasks builds up during meetings. Breaks are like traffic lights, allowing the mind to slow down and the traffic to clear.

2. Meditation Isn’t Just for Monks

Meditation isn't about achieving nirvana; it's about giving your brain a moment to breathe. The Microsoft study showed that when participants meditated during breaks, they could enter the next meeting with a more focused and relaxed mindset.

It's like hitting the refresh button on your brain's browser. Everything loads faster and works better.

3. The Tricky Transition Between Meetings

Switching from one meeting to the next without a break is like trying to change lanes in a speeding car. Stress levels spike, and focus plummets.

The science? Beta wave activity. It jumps when you move between meetings without a break. Add in some meditation, and that spike levels out.

In other words, slow down before you switch lanes.

4. The Ripple Effect of Mindful Breaks

This isn't just about one study or one set of meetings. It's about creating a work culture that respects the brain's need to reset.

The science behind taking breaks goes beyond just reducing stress. It's about promoting a state of mental well-being that can last a lifetime. It's about recognizing that our brains need downtime, just like our bodies.

The results? 

The results were fascinating, with three main takeaways:

The Microsoft study was no mere surface-level glance at meeting fatigue; it was a scientifically rigorous investigation. Let's unpack the takeaways and see how they're backed by the cold, hard data.

1. Breaks Reduce Stress Buildup

What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks
Source: Microsoft Human Factors Lab

Beta waves are like your brain's stress-o-meter. The more they build up, the more stressed you feel.

The Findings: In back-to-back meetings, beta waves increased over time, showing a cumulative buildup of stress. When participants meditated during breaks, beta activity decreased.

The Science Says: Beta waves are linked to anxiety and tension. They build up when we're engaged in tasks that demand concentration and focus. The study's evidence of breaks reducing this beta wave buildup means a real, tangible drop in stress.

2. Breaks Enhance Focus and Engagement

Frontal alpha asymmetry is a fancy term that tells us about engagement. Positive levels mean higher engagement; negative levels mean the opposite.

What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks
Microsoft Human Factors Lab

The Findings: With meditation breaks, the alpha wave levels were positive, showing better engagement. Without breaks, the levels were negative, indicating less engagement.

The Science Says: Alpha waves are associated with relaxed alertness. Meditation, even short breaks, has been shown to increase alpha waves, enhancing focus and creativity. This study provided real-world evidence of this effect in a business setting.

3. Transitions Between Meetings Spike Stress

Remember those beta waves? They also spike during transitions between calls. They're like the stress ripples in your brain, rising with each change.

The Findings: Researchers noticed that beta wave activity jumped sharply when transitioning between calls without breaks. With meditation breaks, the increase dropped.

The Science Says: This observation points to the stress induced by constantly shifting gears. Beta wave spikes during transitions align with what's known about multitasking's stressful effects on the brain. Breaks reduce this "gear-shifting" stress, leading to a more balanced mental state.

A Simpler, Smarter Way to Work

The evidence is in, and the verdict is clear: more breaks equal less stress and more productivity. It's time for a meeting revolution. With tech giants like Microsoft leading the way, the future of work looks more balanced, more focused, and more humane.

It's not just about surviving those meeting marathons anymore; it's about thriving in them. Try the change, redefine the norm, and discover a simpler, smarter way to work.

Occupational Wellbeing

Corporate Wellness 2.0: Redefining workplaces with AI and ML

January 18, 2023
The Wellness Tribe Team
Take an in-depth look at how AI and machine learning are shaping the future of employee health and well-being to unlock the power of Corporate Wellness 2.0.

Corporate Wellness is no longer just about offering a gym membership and encouraging employees to take the stairs instead of the elevator. In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, companies recognize the need for a more holistic approach to employee health and well-being. 

Enter Corporate Wellness 2.0, a new era of workplace wellness that leverages the power of AI and machine learning to create personalized, data-driven programs that improve employee engagement and productivity. But what exactly is Corporate Wellness 2.0, and how is it changing the game?

From One-Size-Fits-All to Tailored

Today, Corporate Wellness programs have expanded to include a variety of initiatives that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. These can include stress management, mental health support, financial wellness resources, and more traditional physical health and fitness programs. Companies are also beginning to recognize the importance of a culture of well-being and are implementing policies and practices that support employee health and well-being.

Despite the advancements in Corporate Wellness, traditional programs still have limitations.

For example, many programs are based on a one-size-fits-all approach and lack personalization. This is where Corporate Wellness 2.0 comes in. By leveraging the power of AI and machine learning, Corporate Wellness 2.0 can create tailored and personalized programs that cater to the unique needs of each employee.

Corporate Wellness is not a perk, it's a performance enhancement." -Maggie Jenkins

How AI and Machine Learning are Changing the Game

Take an in-depth look at how AI and machine learning are shaping the future of employee health and well-being to unlock the power of Corporate Wellness 2.0.
Image by creativeart on Freepik 

Personalized Progress

Corporate Wellness 2.0 harnesses the power of AI and machine learning to create personalized wellness tracking and goal-setting for employees. By gathering data on employee health and well-being, AI and machine learning can create customized plans for each individual, taking into account factors such as age, gender, health conditions, and lifestyle. This personalized approach ensures that employees are more likely to engage with the program and achieve their wellness goals.

Custom-Made for You

With the use of AI and machine learning, Corporate Wellness 2.0 can also create tailored plans for individual employees. The technology can analyze data on an employee's physical activity, nutrition, sleep, and stress levels and then provide personalized recommendations for how they can improve their health and well-being. This approach ensures that each employee receives a program that is specifically designed for their needs and goals.

Data-Driven Decisions

Another significant advantage of Corporate Wellness 2.0 is the ability to utilize data and analytics to track progress. By gathering data on employee health and well-being, companies can gain a deeper understanding of their employees' needs and monitor the effectiveness of their Corporate Wellness programs. This allows companies to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their wellness offerings. 

AI-Powered Nutrition and Exercise

From Generic to Specific

Corporate Wellness 2.0 uses AI and machine learning to create customized nutrition and exercise plans for each employee. By analyzing data on factors such as physical activity levels, dietary habits, and health conditions, AI and machine learning can make personalized recommendations for how employees can improve their nutrition and exercise. This approach ensures that employees receive a program that is tailored to their specific needs and preferences, increasing the chances of engagement and success.

Optimizing Resources

By analyzing data on employee usage and engagement, companies can better understand which resources and services are most effective and make informed decisions on how to allocate resources. This can help companies make the most of their Corporate Wellness budget and ensure that employees have access to the resources and services they need to improve their health and well-being.

The ultimate support for mental health in the workplace

AI and Machine Learning: The ultimate support for mental health in the workplace
Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Mental Health Tailored to You

One of the most significant advantages of Corporate Wellness 2.0 is its ability to provide personalized mental health resources and techniques through the use of AI and machine learning. By analyzing data on employee stress levels, mood, and mental health conditions, AI and machine learning can provide individualized recommendations for mental health resources and techniques, such as meditation, therapy, and stress management. This personalized approach ensures that employees receive the support they need to improve their mental health and well-being.

Burnout Be Gone

In addition to providing personalized resources and techniques, AI and machine learning can also help companies detect and prevent burnout through the use of data and analytics. By monitoring employee stress levels, mood, and engagement, companies can detect early signs of burnout and take steps to prevent it before it becomes a significant issue. This can help companies create a culture of well-being and ensure that employees are able to maintain their health and productivity in the long term.

Closing Thoughts

Corporate Wellness 2.0 is ushering in a new era of workplace wellness, where technology and data take center stage. By harnessing the power of AI and machine learning, companies are able to create customized and personalized programs that cater to the unique needs of each employee. 

At The Wellness Tribe, we harness the power of AI and machine learning to create customized and personalized corporate wellness programs that cater to each employee's unique needs. Our approach is not just about getting healthy; it's about fostering a culture of well-being, attracting and retaining top talent, and driving business success. Join The Wellness Tribe on the journey to a brighter future for Corporate Wellness.


5 Proven Psychological Frameworks to Rewire Your Workday

June 30, 2023
Mohit Sahni
5 Proven Psychological Frameworks to Rewire Your Workday

In the journey to greater productivity, understanding the underlying psychological principles that influence our behavior can be a game-changer. By learning these frameworks and how to apply them, we can optimize our work habits, maximize our output, and reduce burnout. 

Let's delve into five such frameworks that can transform the way we approach our work.

1. Zeigarnik Effect: The Pull of Unfinished Tasks

Named after Russian psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik, the Zeigarnik Effect is a psychological principle that posits that people remember unfinished or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. This cognitive bias is why uncompleted tasks can preoccupy our minds and hamper our focus on new tasks.

Leveraging the Zeigarnik Effect for productivity involves breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. When we complete these "mini tasks," we get a psychological reward in the form of a sense of achievement, fueling our motivation to proceed. Meanwhile, the unfinished larger task keeps our minds engaged, prompting us to return to it with renewed vigor and fresh insights.

For instance, if you're working on a comprehensive project report, break it down into sections and tackle each as a separate task. This approach provides frequent mental rewards, keeps your focus sharp, and can lead to a more thoroughly completed project. The benefits here include improved focus, enhanced motivation, and potentially better work quality due to ongoing mental processing.

2. The Pareto Principle: The Power of Prioritization

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a principle suggesting that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In terms of productivity, this translates to 80% of your results coming from 20% of your efforts.

Applying the Pareto Principle involves identifying and focusing on the tasks that yield the highest value—the 20%—rather than equally distributing your effort across all tasks. For example, if you are a salesperson, you might find that 20% of your clients bring in 80% of your revenue. By focusing more on these clients, you can maximize your returns with the same or less effort.

The benefits of using the Pareto Principle include efficient use of time, higher productivity, and potentially higher satisfaction as you see better results from your prioritized efforts.

3. Parkinson’s Law: The Efficiency of Time Constraints

Parkinson's Law, named after Cyril Northcote Parkinson, proposes that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion." This means that if you set a generous deadline for a task, you're likely to use up all that time, even if the task doesn't inherently require it.

To combat this, impose stricter, yet reasonable deadlines on your tasks. For instance, if a task could reasonably take three hours but you typically allow six, limit your time to three hours and stick to it. By doing this, you'll push yourself to work more efficiently, cut out distractions, and avoid unneeded perfectionism.

The benefits include higher productivity, better time management, and less time wasted on over-polishing or unnecessary additions.

4. The Pygmalion Effect: Boosting Performance

The Pygmalion Effect is a psychological principle that explains how our performance can improve when we have higher expectations of ourselves. In essence, if we believe we can achieve something, we are more likely to make it happen.

To use the Pygmalion Effect to enhance productivity, set ambitious but realistic goals for your tasks. Your belief in your ability to achieve these goals can stimulate a self-fulfilling prophecy, where your high expectations lead to improved performance. For instance, if you believe you can finish a high-priority task within a day, you're more likely to accomplish it within that timeframe.

The benefits of the Pygmalion Effect lie in improved focus, enhanced self-confidence, and higher levels of achievement, leading to a satisfying sense of competence.

5. Flow Theory: Optimal Zone of Functioning

The concept of 'Flow,' introduced by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, refers to a mental state of complete immersion and enjoyment in an activity. It's that sweet spot where the challenge of the task meets your skill level perfectly, leading to heightened productivity and creative thinking.

To achieve this state, it's necessary to find tasks that engage and challenge you, but not to the point of causing excessive stress or anxiety. For example, if you're a writer, the task of writing an article on a topic you're passionate about could trigger this state, where your words flow effortlessly, and you lose track of time.

The benefits of achieving a flow state are multifold, including improved concentration, increased satisfaction from work, heightened creativity, and of course, a significant boost in productivity.

Final Thoughts

By understanding and applying these psychological frameworks—the Zeigarnik Effect, Pareto Principle, Parkinson's Law, Pygmalion Effect, and Flow Theory—we can transform our work habits, maximizing productivity while reducing stress. As we consciously align our work methods with our mental processes, we move towards a more efficient, satisfying, and balanced work life.

Interested in seeing how these principles can revolutionize your team's productivity? Reach out to us today, and let's embark on a journey towards a more productive, satisfying, and balanced work experience for your team.

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