
Igniting Engagement: The Power8 Way to Drive Business Growth

Invest in your people. Power8 Ignite's data-driven approach fosters engaged teams, promoting well-being for measurable success.

March 2, 2024
Nitesh Padghan

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, employee engagement is more critical than ever. A disengaged workforce can lead to low productivity, high turnover, and financial losses. On the other hand, companies with engaged employees enjoy unparalleled success – outperforming the competition, generating more revenue, and creating a positive work environment where everyone thrives.

Power8, a leading corporate wellness company, understands the intrinsic link between employee well-being and overall organizational success.  With our new initiative, Power8 Ignite, we're taking employee engagement to the next level.

What is Power8 Ignite?

Power8 Ignite is a comprehensive approach to employee engagement, designed to transform workplaces and ignite a deep  connection between employees and their work. It goes beyond surface-level activities, focusing on what truly matters to employees: feeling valued, appreciated, and inspired to contribute their best.

Why Employee Engagement Matters: The Indian Landscape

Employee engagement in India is a complex and evolving issue. While engagement levels are improving, there is still significant room for growth. A recent study found that only 22% of Indian employees are fully engaged, leaving a vast majority of the workforce operating below peak potential.  This disconnect costs businesses an estimated ₹450-500 billion annually in lost productivity and missed opportunities.

However, the outlook isn't entirely bleak. Organizations that prioritize employee engagement consistently outperform those that don't.  According to global research, highly engaged teams demonstrate:

  • 21% increase in profitability
  • 20-25% boost in productivity
  • 41% decrease in absenteeism
  • 50% higher performance against targets

Clearly, the investment in employee engagement is a worthwhile one.  That's where Power8 Ignite comes in.

The Power8 Ignite Approach

Our approach to engagement is multifaceted and personalized to meet the unique needs of each organization.  Here's what sets Power8 Ignite apart:

  • Strategic Planning: We work with you to design custom engagement initiatives that align with your company culture and goals. No cookie-cutter solutions here!
  • Engaging Content: From expert-led workshops to inspiring talks, we provide content that connects with your employees and sparks their enthusiasm.
  • Seamless Execution: Let us take care of the logistics so you can focus on building relationships with your team.
  • Creative Storytelling: We craft compelling narratives that showcase your company's commitment to employee well-being.
  • Thoughtful Appreciation: We provide unique and personalized ways to express gratitude and make employees feel valued.

Power8 Ignite in Action: Programs and Services

Ignite offers a diverse range of programs and activities that can seamlessly integrate into your workplace, whether it's virtual or in-person. Here's a sample of our offerings:

Power8 Ignite is designed to ignite engagement in ways that resonate. Whether you're looking for online sessions or in-person experiences, we'll work with you to design a program that meets your workforce's needs.  Here's how we bring Ignite to life:

Elevating Knowledge and Skills

Power8 Ignite offers a range of educational programs that empower employees to learn and grow. We partner with industry experts to offer insightful talks on current topics, covering everything from industry trends to personal development. Celebrity speakers share their unique journeys and lessons learned, inspiring employees to strive for greater success. We create opportunities for dynamic exchange by facilitating panel discussions and roundtables, where diverse perspectives illuminate complex issues.  To make learning both informational and entertaining, we incorporate quizzes and games, sparking friendly competition and knowledge retention.

Fostering Wellness from the Inside Out

A sense of well-being is crucial to a truly engaged workforce. Our experiential activities focus on holistic wellness. Nutrition workshops explore healthy eating, while stress-management sessions equip employees with coping mechanisms for a more balanced life. Interactive activities encourage movement and mindfulness, leading to a refreshed and energized team.

Building Connection and Collaboration

Positive team dynamics are at the heart of engagement. Ignite offers team-building challenges designed to foster trust, communication, and creative problem-solving.  These activities aren't just fun – they help teams develop skills that directly translate to workplace success.

Celebrating Well-being Together

We believe well-being extends beyond the workday with our focus on family-focused events. These events create space for employees to connect with their loved ones, fostering a sense of community and shared values. Our wellness flea markets provide a vibrant space for discovering products and services that support well-being, offering a unique experience for employees and their families.

The Power8 Advantage

When you partner with Power8 Ignite, you don't just get a program; you gain a dedicated ally in building a thriving workplace culture.  Our impact speaks for itself:

  • Clients Supported: We've proudly partnered with a vast range of organizations, demonstrating our adaptability and proven success in driving engagement across diverse industries.
  • Lives Touched: Our programs have positively impacted the lives of over 800,000 individuals, emphasizing the far-reaching effect of our engagement initiatives.
  • Programs Conducted: We've delivered over 5000 successful wellness programs, showcasing our experience and expertise in transforming workplaces.
  • Hours of Training: More than 7500 hours of dedicated training delivered, reflecting our commitment to ongoing learning and personal development for your employees.

Let's Ignite Your Workplace

Imagine a workplace where employees arrive each day feeling energized, valued, and excited to contribute. A workplace where collaboration flows effortlessly, problem-solving is fueled by creativity, and achieving business goals goes hand-in-hand with promoting well-being.  That's the power of an engaged workforce, and it's what Power8 Ignite can help you create.

We understand that every organization is unique. That's why we'll partner with you to design a customized Ignite engagement program that seamlessly aligns with your company's culture and goals.

Don't settle for a disengaged workforce. Contact Power8 Ignite today and let's transform your workplace into a thriving hub of productivity, innovation, and well-being.

Emotional Wellbeing

Riding the Wave of Inflation: A Guide to Investments

November 11, 2022
Usha Mallya
Riding the Wave of Inflation: A Guide to Investments

Inflation is a long-term pattern of rising prices across the economy yearly. Inflation rates indicate the rate of erosion of the value of an investment over time as well as the loss of purchasing power. Investing in assets requires a return on investment consistent with their living standard. 

To overcome the effects of inflation on your investment, you must have financial planning and knowledge. Here are a few things you should know. 

Inflation: What Causes It?

Inflation occurs when the demand for an item or service exceeds the supply of that good or service. This is referred to as demand-pull inflation, and it causes price increases. 

Inflation is also caused by a rise in the cost of producing products and services. As the cost of manufacturing an item rises, manufacturers raise the selling price in order to achieve or maintain a specified profit. This is referred to as cost-pull inflation.

Here's a chart demonstrating how a lakh's value decreases over time to help you comprehend this better.

‍Inflation: What Causes It?

Financial vs Physical Investment

Physical assets can be felt, seen, touched, or held, such as real estate, precious metals, jewellery, plant and machinery, vehicles, tools, etc. These assets must be maintained, repaired, and upgraded, which can lead to expenses.

An intangible asset, such as shares, bonds, deposits in banks, accounts receivables, goodwill, copyrights, patents, etc., cannot be seen or touched, except for the records proving ownership of the asset, for example, shares, bonds, deposits in banks. The value of financial support does not depreciate or diminish with time. Nevertheless, depending on market conditions, the value of a financial asset can appreciate or depreciate.

Asset Classes and Inflation

The value of liquid assets tends to rise less over time than the value of other types of assets since inflation affects them similarly. Because of this, liquid assets are more susceptible to inflation's effects. The larger economy tends to retain fewer liquid assets when inflation rates are high.

Although illiquid assets can generate interest and grow in value, inflation also affects them. Investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds is one of the best ways to protect savings against inflation. In times of high inflation, people often spend their liquid assets on consumer goods or invest them in interest-paying assets.

Systematic Investment in Equity Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds offer a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), a means of investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, say once a month or once a quarter, instead of making a lump-sum investment. Instalments could be as low as INR 500 per month and are similar to recurring deposits. Moreover, it is convenient since your bank can give you standing instructions to deduct the monthly amount.  

Here are some examples of the power of compounding

‍Systematic Investment in Equity Mutual Funds

Three Golden Rules of Investment

Start Early

It is recommended that you start early in order to gain greater financial wellbeing and to maximise your returns on investment. If you allow your investment portfolio to generate returns over time, your returns will essentially create more returns. In technical terms, this is called compounding, proving that even small investments can accumulate into large sums over time.

Invest Regularly

Regularly investing rather than attempting to time a lump sum investment can help you become a more disciplined investor. Ultimately, you must invest no matter how high or low the price is. As a result, investing becomes less emotional, and you can put your money to work more quickly.

Invest for Long Term

The relationship between volatility and time is an advantage of long-term investing. The volatility of investments held for a more extended period tends to be lower than the volatility of assets held for a shorter period. The longer you invest, the more likely you will survive market downturns.

Investments with their risk vs return potential

Three Golden Rules of Investment


If the returns on an investor's assets are less than the rate of inflation, even if they show profits, they will lose money. Additionally, individuals should ensure that their income increases at least as much as inflation; otherwise, they are technically earning less than they would otherwise and losing financial stability.

Physical Wellbeing

Hack Your Way to Health: The Science Behind Bio-Hacking

January 27, 2023
Rakhee Todankar
Hack Your Way to Health: The Science Behind Bio-Hacking

Welcome to the world of Bio-Hacking! A revolutionary approach to optimizing our health through the manipulation of our diets. Gone are the days when we simply relied on conventional wisdom and bland diets to maintain our well-being. The landscape of our diets has shifted dramatically, with a growing interest in the science behind how we fuel our bodies. 

And that's where Bio Hacking comes in, offering a new way to unlock our full potential through tailored nutrition. By understanding the intricate interplay between our diets and our bodies, we can fine-tune our eating habits to achieve optimal health. 

Join me on this exciting journey of discovery, where the possibilities are endless and the results truly transformational.

The Art of Nutrigenomics

One of the most exciting developments in the field of nutrition is the science of Nutrigenomics. By sending a simple blood sample to a specialized laboratory, we can delve deep into our genetic makeup and discover the optimal diet tailored just for us. 

From uncovering food sensitivities to maximizing our nutrient intake, Nutrigenomics is a powerful tool for unlocking the full potential of our health and wellness. 

The Time-Tested Technique

Intermittent fasting has been a timeless technique, originating from ancient civilizations where food was scarce and long periods without eating were common. It's about balancing controlled eating and fasting to find what works best for you.

This practice brings numerous benefits, such as improved metabolism, better insulin sensitivity, and reduced inflammation. It allows your body to focus on important processes like cell repair and waste removal by regulating your eating patterns and giving your digestive system a break. Find your rhythm, whether it's fasting for 12 or 16 hours, and reap the benefits of this time-tested technique.

"Good nutrition is a responsibility, not a restriction." - Bettina Leigh

The Elimination Diet

Hack Your Way to Health: The Science Behind Bio-Hacking
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

As a professional nutritionist, I always suggest exploring the power of the elimination diet to uncover food sensitivities and improve overall health. The process is simple: by eliminating certain foods and then gradually adding them back into your diet, you can discover which foods trigger adverse reactions and determine any allergies you may have. 

The Fiber Fix

When it comes to your diet, fiber is often the unsung hero. This time-tested nutrient provides a multitude of health benefits, from supporting good gut health and boosting immunity to improving digestion and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. But despite its many perks, many of us struggle to get enough fiber in our diets. 

Start by incorporating more fruits and veggies into your diet. These nutrient-rich foods are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that support overall health and well-being. Consider adding various colorful food items to your plate, and try new recipes incorporating fiber-rich ingredients, like whole grains and legumes.

The Supercharge of Superfoods

As a professional nutritionist, it's hard to deny the buzz surrounding "superfoods" and their potential health benefits. But what exactly makes a food "super"? It's all about the high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can support our overall health and wellness. From nutrient-dense berries to anti-inflammatory spices, incorporating these power-packed foods into our diets can give us the extra boost we need to feel our best. 

So why not add a sprinkle of spinach to your smoothie, or enjoy a handful of goji berries as a snack?

The Protein Punch

Hack Your Way to Health: The Science Behind Bio-Hacking
Photo by Mark DeYoung on Unsplash

Protein is the powerhouse nutrient that provides the building blocks for our muscles, hormones, and enzymes. It's essential for maintaining muscle strength and tone and helps ward off cravings by filling us up. But the benefits of protein don't stop there - it also plays a critical role in balancing hormones and managing blood sugar levels. 

From animal-based sources like meat, fish, and dairy to plant-based options like beans, lentils, and tofu, there's a variety of ways to get more protein into your diet. 

The Sweet, Sunny, and Savvy Approach

The Sugar Solution: Sweeter Health Ahead

Sugar, the sweet treat that has become a staple in our diets, is causing more harm than good. Overconsumption of processed foods and sugar leads to a host of health problems and is taking a toll on our bodies. But it's never too late to make better choices for our health. We can turn our health around by cutting back on processed foods and sugar and enjoy a sweeter, healthier future.

The Vitamin D Boost: Light Up Your Health

Vitamin D is crucial in optimal health, playing a role in everything from bone health to immune function. Maximizing your vitamin D levels through sun exposure and supplementing for deficiency can help ensure you're getting enough of this essential nutrient. Don't let a lack of sun keep you from shining bright!

The Practice of Bio-Hacking

Biohacking is the process of making small changes in your diet, exercise, meditation, and mindfulness practices to achieve big results for your health. Keeping a food log and making conscious choices can help you make the most of your bio-hacking journey, leading you to a healthier, happier you.


The journey to healthy living and well-being doesn't have to be complicated. Bio-hacking is a simple and effective way to take control of your health and harness the power of diet, exercise, and mindfulness. With the help of professional guidance, you can find your own path to health and happiness by making small, sustainable changes that will have a big impact on your health in the long run. 

So why wait? Embrace the power of bio-hacking today and start your journey towards a healthier, happier life.

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