Financial Wellbeing

Budgeting and managing ZNMD Lifestyle with Lagaan Taxes

December 12, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team
Budgeting and managing ZNMD Lifestyle and Lagaan Taxes

Striking a balance between lifestyle expenses and taxes can be difficult, but it is essential. On the one hand, you want to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and have the financial resources to pay for the things you need and want. But, on the other hand, you also want to minimise your tax burden and keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. 

This often requires spending money on things like travel, hobbies, and other leisure activities. However, paying our fair share of taxes is also important, as they help fund essential services and infrastructure that benefit society. So is there a way to achieve a perfect balance between these two? Let's explore how you can strike this perfect balance in this article. 

Stick To Your Budget

‍Stick To Your Budget - Balancing the Finances Managing ZNMD Lifestyle and Lagaan Taxes
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

One way to strike a balance between these two competing priorities is to create a budget and stick to it. This can help us to keep track of our spending and ensure that we are not overspending on lifestyle expenses at the expense of our tax obligations. It can also help us prioritise our spending and make sure we spend money on the things most important to us.

By setting priorities and being mindful of your spending, you can simultaneously avoid overspending on unnecessary expenses and reduce your tax burden.

For example, consider contributing to a retirement account if you are trying to save money on your taxes. These contributions can be deducted from your taxable income, which can help reduce your tax bill. Additionally, you can take advantage of other tax breaks and deductions, such as the earned income tax credit or the child tax credit, to further reduce your tax burden.

Be Mindful of the Tax Implications

Another way to strike a balance is to be mindful of the tax implications of our spending decisions. For example, certain types of expenses, such as charitable donations or education expenses, may be tax deductible, which can offset some of the tax burdens. As a further benefit, tax-advantaged savings and investment accounts can help you save for the future and reduce your tax liability at the same time.

Cut Back Where You Can

‍Cut Back Where You Can - Balancing the Finances Managing ZNMD Lifestyle and Lagaan Taxes
Photo by GoodNotes on Unsplash

Another way to balance lifestyle expenses and taxes is to carefully review your spending and identify areas where you can cut back. For example, evaluate your monthly payments and look for ways to reduce your spending on things like groceries, entertainment, and transportation. By cutting back on these expenses, you can free up more money to put towards your savings or investments, which can help reduce your tax burden.

"Financial well-being is not just about having a lot of money; it's about having a healthy relationship with money and feeling financially secure." - The Financial Diet.

Identify Ways to Increase Income

You may also want to consider ways to increase your income. For example, you could take on a part-time job or start a side hustle to earn extra money. This additional income can be used to pay off debt, build up your savings, or make investments that can help reduce your tax burden.

This can be challenging if you have multiple sources of income and a complex financial situation. However, by using tools like budgeting software or apps, you can track your spending and income and see where your money is going. This can help you identify areas where you can cut back on your expenses. 

You can learn all these things in a financial wellbeing program if you struggle to keep track of your expenses. 

Closing Thoughts

Overall, striking a balance between lifestyle expenses and taxes requires careful planning and a willingness to make trade-offs. Our WellnessTribe Expert, Usha Mallya, a financial planner and advisor with KPMG, gives us some helpful tips above to start our new year.

Physical Wellbeing

A big workout once a week is just as good as daily exercise!

December 24, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team
One big workout once a week is just as good as daily exercise!

As a physiotherapist, I often hear from my patients that they do not have time to exercise every day, whether during corporate wellness sessions or during individual sessions. With busy schedules and a never-ending to-do list, it can be tough to fit in a daily workout. But here's the good news: you don't have to exercise every day to be healthy! In fact, one big workout every week is just as effective as exercising daily.

Testing Your Limits

Now, I know what you're thinking. How can one intense workout per week be as effective as daily exercise? The key is pushing yourself to your physical limits during that workout. When you challenge your body with a high-intensity workout, you are giving your muscles and the cardiovascular system a much-needed workout. 

This kind of intense exercise has a greater impact on the body than moderate exercise, so even though you're only working out once a week, you're still getting a good workout.

The Connection Between Exercise and Mental Health

The Connection Between Exercise and Mental Health
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

One big workout per week has numerous benefits. Exercise that is intense and regular can improve your mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that promote feelings of happiness and emotional well-being. You can boost your mood and reduce stress by engaging in a challenging workout once a week.

Another benefit of one big workout per week is that it can help you avoid burnout and injury. Overdoing it with daily exercise can lead to fatigue and a higher risk of injury. By allowing your body to rest and recover in between workouts, you can prevent burnout and keep your workouts safe and effective.

Now, I want to be clear that the one big workout-per-week approach isn't for everyone. If you have specific fitness goals, such as losing weight or training for a marathon, you may need to incorporate daily exercise into your routine.

A Few Precautions

One Big Workout a Week: The Surprising Health Benefits According to a Physiotherapist
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Additionally, if you are new to exercise or have chronic health conditions, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new fitness routine.

But for the majority of people, one big workout per week is a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So next time you're feeling overwhelmed and don't think you have time for daily exercise, remember that one big workout per week is just as effective. And who knows, you might even find that you enjoy it more than daily exercise! 

"Exercise is a celebration of what the body can do, not a punishment for what you ate." — Kevin NG. 

So grab your sneakers and get moving – your body (and mind) will thank you.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, the key takeaway is that consistency and effort are more important than the frequency of workouts. As long as individuals are able to regularly engage in physical activity that challenges their bodies and promotes overall wellness, they can experience the numerous benefits of exercise regardless of how often they do it.

Occupational Wellbeing

Research Shows Resilient Mental Health Post-Pandemic

March 28, 2023
Disha Shah
Research Shows Resilient Mental Health Post-Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and disrupted the normal rhythm of society. It's no surprise that many people have been struggling with their mental health during these trying times. 

However, a recent study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal BMJ is shedding light on a surprising finding: in general, people's mental health has remained remarkably resilient despite the pandemic. 

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the findings of the study and explore what they mean for mental health surveillance and policy. 

So, buckle up and get ready to learn about the power of the human spirit and the resilience of our mental health during challenging times.

The Study

In the study published in BMJ, researchers assessed the impact of the pandemic on mental health by analyzing 137 studies from around the world. The findings challenge some of the commonly held assumptions about the pandemic's effects on well-being.

Breaking Down the Data

The study analyzed various mental health indicators, including general mental health, anxiety, and depression symptoms. The researchers compared outcomes assessed from January 2018 to December 2019 with those assessed from January 2020 and beyond, with a focus on any changes that may have occurred.

Contrary to Popular Belief

Contrary to what many people might believe, the report suggests that the pandemic's overall impact on mental health has been relatively minor. In fact, the vast majority of analyses showed no significant changes in general mental health, anxiety, or depression symptoms.

The Nuances of Mental Health

While there were some small negative changes in mental health among certain subgroups, such as women and parents, the overall picture painted by the data is one of resilience rather than crisis.

The Importance of Continued Monitoring

While the report's findings are encouraging, they are by no means a reason to become complacent. The pandemic's impact on mental health is a complex and evolving issue, and continued monitoring and support will be essential in the months and years to come.

A New Perspective

As a whole, this report challenges our assumptions about the pandemic's impact on mental health. It highlights the need not to underestimate the capacity of people to recover after a crisis. As HR professionals continue to navigate these unprecedented times, it is important to keep this new perspective in mind and to continue providing the support that employees need to thrive.

Implications for HRs

Research Shows Resilient Mental Health Post-Pandemic
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, HR professionals have faced unprecedented challenges in maintaining the well-being of their workforce. 

The BMJ study's findings offer valuable insights for HRs looking to create a supportive and resilient workplace culture. Here are some key implications of the study that HRs should keep in mind to support the mental health of their workforce.

Prioritize Mental Health Support

While the study shows that most people have been resilient in terms of mental health during the pandemic, it's important to remember that certain groups, such as women, parents, and those in the LGBTQ+ community, experienced small to medium negative changes. 

HRs should prioritize providing mental health support to employees, especially those in vulnerable groups.

Foster a Resilient Workplace Culture

The study's findings also suggest that people are generally resilient in the face of adversity. HRs can foster a resilient workplace culture by providing resources and support for employees to cope with stress and challenges. 

Access to counseling services, mental health days, and flexible work arrangements are all examples of how this can be done.

Continue Mental Health Surveillance

The study highlights the need for continued mental health surveillance, especially during times of crisis. HRs should work with management and employees to monitor the mental health of the workforce and address any concerns in a timely manner. 

Employee check-ins, anonymous feedback mechanisms, and mental health training for managers can all contribute to this.

Closing Thoughts

The BMJ study provides a nuanced understanding of the impact of the pandemic on people's mental health. HR professionals can use this information to support their employees better and create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.

At The Wellness Tribe, we understand the importance of creating a holistic approach to employee wellness, including mental health. Our corporate wellness solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization and can help you promote a healthy and supportive work environment. 

If you need any assistance in implementing employee wellness programs or resources, don't hesitate to reach out to us today. Together, we can prioritize the mental health and well-being of your workforce.

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