Restful Living

7 Types of Rest to Avoid Burnout and Boost Productivity

Feeling burnt out isn’t just about being physically tired—it encompasses mental, emotional, and even spiritual fatigue. Uncover the benefits of physical and mental rest, understand the importance of meaningful social connections, and learn to reconnect with your spiritual side.

July 1, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

We're all aware of the burnout epidemic. Those constant feelings of exhaustion, the creeping cynicism that taints our interactions, and the sinking sensation that we're no longer making a significant difference at work. 

As corporate wellness advocates, we've seen this all too often, and we're here to break the cycle. We believe in the power of proactive measures to reverse burnout's corrosive effects and supercharge productivity levels.

We'll guide you through understanding the holistic concept of 'rest.' Often, when we think of rest, we equate it with sleep. But rest is not merely physical; it has multifaceted dimensions that extend beyond the domain of sleep. 

This article aims to dissect these categories and provide a comprehensive guide to a balanced, well-rested, and productive lifestyle. Here are 7 types of rest and how they can help you reduce burnout and boost productivity.

1. Physical Rest - Beyond Sleep

When we think about rest, the first thing that likely comes to mind is sleep. However, physical rest goes beyond simply catching some shut-eye. It involves any activity that allows our body to rejuvenate and recover. Two main categories characterize this type of rest: passive and active rest.

Passive rest, as the name implies, involves actions that require minimal to no effort on our part. Quality sleep, power naps, or simply lying down and letting our bodies relax can significantly contribute to our physical rest quota.

In contrast, active rest is characterized by light activities that help in relieving tension and promoting muscle health. These could include stretching, light walks, yoga, or other low-intensity exercises.

Striking a balance between active and passive physical rest is the key to maintaining a healthy body and keeping burnout at bay.

"Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long." - Michael Gungor

2. Mental Rest - Quiet the Mind

Our minds are under constant bombardment from a plethora of information, thoughts, and ideas. This constant stimulation can often lead to mental exhaustion, and that's where the need for mental rest comes in. Mental rest involves quieting our minds, reducing mental chatter, and providing a sanctuary for our thoughts to relax.

Techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, or even a few moments of quiet introspection can significantly enhance mental rest. These activities allow our minds to break away from the relentless cycle of thoughts and help us attain mental clarity.

Regular periods of mental rest can lead to increased focus, improved decision-making, and a greater sense of calm and control.

3. Social Rest - Replenish Through Relationships

Social rest, contrary to popular belief, is not about distancing oneself from others. Instead, it's about investing time and energy into relationships that uplift, inspire, and resonate with us. It's about surrounding ourselves with positive energy that helps us recharge our social batteries.

This could involve deep, meaningful conversations with loved ones, enjoying shared hobbies, or even quiet companionship with people who understand us. These interactions are essential in maintaining our emotional balance and providing a sense of belonging and security.

Neglecting social rest can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and increased stress. Hence, prioritizing social rest is crucial to maintaining a healthy emotional balance and reducing burnout.

4 . Spiritual Rest - Connect with the Larger Reality

Spiritual rest goes beyond the bounds of religious practice. It's about feeling connected to something larger than ourselves. This connection can offer a sense of purpose, a feeling of deep understanding, and contribute to a more profound sense of rest.

Spiritual rest can take the form of participation in religious activities for some, while others might find spiritual rest through meditation, spending time in nature, or voluntary work. These activities provide a way to replenish our spirit, provide a sense of purpose, and promote inner peace.

The path to spiritual rest differs from person to person. Discovering what provides you with spiritual rest is a journey of self-exploration and reflection. Incorporating elements of spiritual rest in our daily lives can lead to improved mental resilience and a heightened sense of fulfillment.

5. Sensory Rest - Disconnect to Reconnect

We live in an age of overstimulation. Constant exposure to screens, noise, and crowds can lead to sensory overload. Sensory rest aims to mitigate this exhaustion by reducing the amount of sensory input we experience daily.

This could mean disengaging from digital devices, immersing oneself in silence, or spending time in nature. The essence of sensory rest lies in providing our senses with a break, thereby refreshing and rejuvenating them.

By prioritizing sensory rest, we can enhance our sensory awareness, increase focus, and foster a deeper connection with our surroundings. This not only helps in avoiding burnout but also improves our overall well-being.

6. Emotional Rest - The Freedom to Be Yourself

Emotional rest involves allowing ourselves to express our feelings freely and honestly, without judgment or fear of repercussions. It's about creating a safe space where we can be authentic and unguarded.

This could be achieved through conversations with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Journaling can also provide emotional rest as it allows a private outlet for our thoughts and feelings.

When we allow ourselves the liberty of emotional rest, we are essentially accepting our emotions without judgment. This acceptance can lead to greater self-awareness, improved emotional intelligence, and overall emotional well-being.

"Caring for your body, mind, and spirit is your greatest and grandest responsibility. It's about listening to the needs of your soul and then honoring them." - Kristi Ling

7. Creative Rest - Rekindling the Spark

Lastly, creative rest seeks to awaken and stimulate our sense of awe and wonder. It’s about letting our minds wander, inspiring new ideas, and breaking free from our usual thought patterns.

Creative rest could involve visiting an art exhibition, spending time in nature, or engaging with any form of beauty that inspires and stimulates you. It’s about allowing your mind the freedom to imagine, create, and dream.

By incorporating creative rest into our routines, we can nurture our innovative capabilities, enhance problem-solving skills, and add a spark of creativity to our everyday lives.

Finding the Balance for Holistic Wellness

Understanding these seven types of rest empowers us to approach our well-being from a multi-dimensional perspective. 

While each type of rest has its unique benefits, the true magic lies in maintaining a balanced mix of all seven. By doing so, we can enhance our productivity, stave off burnout, and lead a more fulfilled, balanced life.

Endnote From Experts

Implementing these concepts may seem overwhelming at first. It requires consistent effort and a deep understanding of each type. As corporate wellness experts, we can provide the necessary guidance and support to help you and your employees on this journey to improved well-being. 

With our tailored wellness programs and insightful webinars, we can help you incorporate these rest types into your corporate culture. Reach out to us, and let's work together toward creating a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace.

Occupational Wellbeing

The Dark Side of Layoffs: The Impact on HR Professionals

February 4, 2023
The Wellness Tribe Team

Layoffs are becoming an all too familiar reality in today's fast-paced business world. As companies seek to streamline their operations and cut costs, HR professionals find themselves at the forefront of communicating these changes to employees. 

But behind the polished presentations and calm demeanour lies a heart-wrenching truth: the emotional toll that mass layoffs take on HR personnel is immense. These unsung heroes bear the weight of a company's decisions, facing their colleagues' tears, fears, and expectations. 

In this article, we'll take a closer look at HR professionals' stressors during layoffs, the alarming signs of burnout, and what can be done to protect their well-being. So join us as we delve into the bleak reality of layoffs and the heartbreaking burden on HR professionals.

Breaking Bad News

Breaking the news of a layoff can be one of the toughest parts of an HR professional's job. They are tasked with communicating the difficult decisions made by the company to employees and navigating the delicate balance between empathy and enforcing company policies. 

This can emotionally toll HR personnel as they face their colleagues' tears, fears, and expectations. The pressure to get it right can be immense, and the impact on their own mental health in the aftermath of a layoff season cannot be ignored. 

The Alarming Signs

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

The constant stress and pressure HR professionals face during mass layoffs can take a heavy toll on their physical and emotional well-being. In addition, burnout can manifest in a range of alarmingly clear symptoms, making it difficult for HR personnel to maintain their usual level of performance at work.

One of the most obvious signs of burnout is physical exhaustion. HR professionals may feel drained and fatigued, even after a full night's rest. This can lead to a lack of energy and motivation, affecting their ability to complete tasks and meet deadlines.

Another common symptom of burnout is a loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities. For example, HR professionals may find that they no longer derive pleasure from hobbies or social activities, which can lead to feelings of isolation and sadness.

A decline in cognitive function is another red flag. HR personnel may struggle to concentrate and complete tasks, making it difficult for them to carry out their day-to-day responsibilities effectively.

Protecting HR Wellbeing

As HR professionals navigate the difficult waters of mass layoffs, it is important to consider their well-being and prevent burnout. The good news is that there are steps that can be taken to reduce stress and promote recovery. In this section of our article, we'll explore the measures organisations can take to protect the health and well-being of their HR staff.

Support and Resources

Some of the most effective ways to prevent burnout are to provide HR personnel with support and resources. This can include offering counselling services, providing time off for self-care, and encouraging HR professionals to prioritise their own physical and mental health. By giving HR personnel the tools they need to manage stress, organisations can help them avoid burnout and maintain their productivity.

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." - Randy Pausch

Open Communication

The Dark Side of Layoffs: The Impact on HR Professionals
Photo by Christina Morillo

Organisations can also foster a positive work environment by promoting open communication and transparency. HR personnel should feel comfortable talking to their managers about the challenges they face and seeking help when needed. This can help to prevent burnout and build stronger, more resilient teams.

Investing in Professional Development

Another important step organisations can take is to provide HR personnel with training and development opportunities. This can help HR professionals build new skills and knowledge, which can boost their confidence and resilience. It also helps provide HR personnel with a sense of purpose and fulfilment, which can help counteract the negative effects of burnout.

Balancing Work and Wellness

Finally, organisations can promote a healthy work-life balance by encouraging HR personnel to take breaks and prioritise their own well-being. This can include taking time off for self-care, participating in physical activities, and engaging in hobbies and social activities. By creating a culture that values employee wellness, organisations can support HR personnel in their recovery from burnout and promote a positive work environment.

A Call to Action

As a corporate wellness company, we at The Wellness Tribe know all too well the toll that mass layoffs and HR burnout can take on organisations. But we also know that there is hope. By prioritising HR well-being and implementing strategies to reduce stress, organisations can support their HR personnel and maintain their productivity during trying times.

We believe that it is time for organisations to take action and invest in the health and well-being of their HR staff. By doing so, they can create a positive work environment and set their HR personnel on the path to recovery.

To summarise, here are some tips for protecting HR well-being and preventing burnout in the boardroom:

  • Provide HR personnel with support and resources to manage stress.
  • Foster open communication and transparency to build resilient teams.
  • Invest in professional development opportunities to boost confidence and resilience.
  • Promote a healthy work-life balance to counteract the negative effects of burnout.
  • Finally, take a comprehensive approach to HR wellness by implementing a culture that values employee health and wellbeing.

In conclusion, it's time to take action and prioritise HR well-being. By doing so, organisations can support their HR personnel and promote a positive work environment. So join us at The Wellness Tribe in the call to action to prevent burnout in the boardroom. Together, we can make a difference.


The Surprising Power of Aiming a Little Lower at Work

September 1, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

In today's fast-paced corporate world, the spotlight often shines on one metric: productivity. We're often lauded for our capacity to churn out work, with the mythical 100% productivity level dangling in front of us like a golden carrot. 

But let's pause and rethink. What if, in this relentless quest for absolute perfection, we're missing the mark? What if the real secret to a productive and balanced work-life isn't in pushing ourselves to the absolute brink, but in aiming for a more sustainable 85%? 

This might sound counterintuitive in a world obsessed with maxing out potential, but diving deeper, we might just find that this 85% approach is the missing piece in our modern work puzzle.

The Trap of 100% Productivity

The allure of 100% productivity is strong. We're conditioned to believe that it’s the gold standard of efficiency. Yet, diving deep, we find it's more of a trap.

Employees pushing relentlessly for this elusive 100% often find themselves on the brink of exhaustion. Imagine running a marathon at sprint speed - unsustainable and unhealthy. The cost? Burnouts, decreased mental well-being, and ironically, a dip in true productivity.

Take Sarah, a graphic designer at a top-tier firm. Chasing perfection, she worked late nights, skipped meals, and even sacrificed weekends. But her relentless chase led to chronic fatigue and, eventually, a two-month medical leave.

The Sweet Spot

Enter the game-changing perspective of business author Greg McKeown. He suggests 85% as the sweet spot of productivity. It’s not about doing less but doing sustainably.

At 85%, employees can maintain consistency, quality, and enthusiasm without burning the candle at both ends. It encourages a culture where work is essential, but so is well-being. It’s about giving your best, most days, without the overwhelming pressure of perfection.

The Science Behind 85%

When we talk about productivity, it's often cloaked in terms of output and deadlines. But there's a whole layer of science, both psychological and physiological, that underpins our capacity to work effectively. Let's dissect this.

The Physiology

Firstly, let's address the body. Steve Magness, an exercise physiologist, sheds light on the concept of "overtraining" in athletes. Just as athletes can't constantly push their bodies to the max without risking injury, employees can't constantly push their minds to the brink without detrimental effects. 

Our brains, like muscles, require periods of rest to recover and regenerate. When we consistently operate at 100%, we're essentially in a state of chronic "mental overtraining", which can lead to burnout, decreased cognitive function, and even mental health issues.

The Psychological Perspective

Now, on to the psychology of it. Aiming for 100% productivity can inadvertently set us up for a binary perspective: perfection or failure. This doesn't leave room for the gray areas of learning, growth, and innovation, which often happen when we're allowed to make mistakes and iterate. 

Psychologists have long championed the importance of a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn rather than as threats. By setting a productivity goal of 85%, we mentally allow ourselves that buffer to experiment, fail, learn, and ultimately grow.

The Neuroscience Angle

Lastly, neuroscience offers another perspective. Our brain operates in cycles, with periods of high alertness followed by periods of rest. These are called ultradian rhythms. 

Typically, after 90 minutes of intensive work, our brain signals a need for a 20-minute break. Pushing beyond this natural cycle by aiming for constant 100% productivity can lead to diminishing returns in focus and output.

How to Implement the 85% Rule in Your Workplace

Incorporating the 85% rule into your workplace isn't just about changing a number on a performance sheet. It's about embracing a new philosophy of work, one that values sustainability, well-being, and holistic growth. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make this shift:

1. Begin with Awareness

Before diving into changes, initiate a dialogue. Host workshops or seminars that shed light on the science and philosophy behind the 85% rule. Employees are more likely to embrace a change when they understand its rationale and potential benefits.

2. Set Realistic, Compassionate Goals

Rethink target setting. While it's essential to maintain ambition, ensure that your goals are both challenging and achievable. Instead of pushing teams to their limits every single time, offer them a spectrum of targets that prioritize quality over sheer quantity.

3. Foster a Culture of Well-being

Move away from the "all work and no play" mindset. Introduce wellness programs that cater to both physical and mental health. This could range from meditation sessions, and ergonomic workshops, to even short breaks for relaxation. Remember, a well-rested employee is a more productive one.

4. Promote Open Communication

Create safe spaces for employees to voice their concerns, share their experiences, and offer feedback. Whether through regular check-ins, town hall meetings, or anonymous feedback systems, ensure that there's a two-way communication channel.

5. Rethink Assessment Metrics

Shift the focus from purely quantitative outputs to more qualitative ones. This might mean valuing creativity, innovation, teamwork, and problem-solving skills as much as, if not more than, sheer output.

In a world that often glorifies the hustle, the 85% rule offers a refreshing, sustainable, and, ironically, more productive alternative. Implementing it requires intention, effort, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of your team. But the rewards, both in terms of output and employee happiness, make it well worth the effort.


The quest for 100% productivity is a mirage. It promises an oasis but often leads to a desert of burnout and dissatisfaction. On the other hand, 85% is not just a number but a philosophy - one that champions sustainable effort, well-being, and a holistic approach to work.

Companies and employees alike stand to benefit immensely. It's high time we redefine success, not by the relentless grind but by the balanced, joyful, and sustainable journey. So, here's a challenge: Aim for 85% and watch both happiness and productivity soar.

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