Spiritual Wellbeing

Journey to Inner Peace: Monk's Quest for Ultimate Happiness

January 26, 2023
The Wellness Tribe Team

The quest for happiness is one that has captivated our hearts and minds for centuries. From the musings of ancient philosophers to the studies of modern scientists, the human desire for contentment is eternal. Some seek happiness in material possessions, others in fame and success, while some embark on a journey of spirituality and self-discovery. 

But what if the key to happiness lies not in external pursuits but within ourselves? Meet Matthieu Ricard, a French scientist-turned-Buddhist monk who was deemed the "happiest person alive" by a study conducted by the University of Wisconsin. 

His remarkable journey from the lab to the Himalayas and his unique perspective on the art of living offer valuable insights on the path to true and enduring happiness.

Unlocking the Secrets of Bliss

Journey to Inner Peace: Monk's Quest for Ultimate Happiness
Credits: media.gq.com

The quest for happiness has been perennial, with many people searching for the key to unlocking the secrets of contentment. But it wasn't until a groundbreaking study by the University of Wisconsin that the world saw the mystery behind true and unyielding joy. 

The study centered on Matthieu Ricard, a French scientist-turned-Buddhist monk who had devoted his life to practicing meditation and pursuing inner peace. By hooking up his skull to 256 sensors, the study revealed that while Ricard meditated, his brain produced gamma waves linked to consciousness, attention, learning, and memory at levels that had never been reported before. The scans revealed a brain that was lit up with activity in the left prefrontal cortex, in comparison to the right one, suggesting an extraordinary ability to experience happiness and a minimal tendency towards negativity.

This study confirmed the connection between meditation and happiness and provided a deeper understanding of the neuroscience of happiness. The results of the study showed that through regular meditation and mental training, it is possible to increase our level of satisfaction and improve our overall wellbeing. The study also highlighted the role of the prefrontal cortex in regulating emotions and showed that we could change how we process and experience emotions through mental training.

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama.

The Key to Joy

In the quest for happiness, Matthieu Ricard, the "happiest man alive," discovered that the key to true joy lies not in external pursuits but instead in the cultivation of a benevolent mindset and the training of the mind. He emphasizes the power of benevolence, passion, and solidarity in fostering a healthy state of mind that leads to flourishing. He also believes that just like physical training improves our physical health, mental training can improve our mental and emotional well-being.

To aid individuals on this path, Ricard suggests a simple yet powerful technique that can be done in 10-15 minutes daily. He advises spending this time thinking of doing something nice for others or remembering a joyful moment from the past. Dwelling on these positive emotions for more than a few seconds will provide mental benefits in the long run and can even deliver results in as little as two weeks.

Navigating the Roadblocks to Happiness

Society, especially in the Western world, heavily emphasizes individualism. This mindset, however, can often work against our well-being. For example, the constant pressure to achieve success and attain material possessions can lead to a constant state of wanting more, never feeling satisfied, and ultimately leading to feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness. Additionally, this pressure to constantly strive for more can lead to an unhealthy focus on the self, causing us to view the world as a threat or as something to be used for our own gain.

It's important to note that happiness and inner peace may be unattainable for some individuals without professional help. Those struggling with issues such as depression and anxiety may find it difficult to achieve happiness without seeking the help of a professional. It is essential for these individuals to reach out for help and to understand that seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness but rather a step towards a healthier and happier life.


The journey to true happiness and inner peace is not an easy one, but it is a journey worth undertaking. The teachings of Matthieu Ricard, the "happiest man alive," have shown that it is possible to elevate our level of happiness through mental training and the cultivation of a benevolent mindset. The potential of mental training to improve our mental and emotional well-being has been scientifically proven, and the rewards of a benevolent attitude have been described as a healthy state of mind that leads to flourishing.

It's important to remember that happiness and serenity require practice and effort, but it is accessible to all. The path to inner peace may not be a straight one, but with the right tools and support, it is possible to navigate through the obstacles and find true inner peace. The journey to inner peace and happiness is worth journey undertaking, and the rewards are immeasurable.

Personal Wellbeing

The Paradox of Flexibility: The Nightmare of Managers

February 17, 2023
Mohit Sahni

Flexibility is the buzzword of the modern workplace. With the rise of hybrid and remote work arrangements, employees have come to expect a level of autonomy that is unprecedented in the history of work. 

While this newfound flexibility has led to increased job satisfaction and productivity for employees, it has created a nightmare for managers. The same autonomy that employees crave is the very thing that has left many managers struggling to keep up. The flexibility paradox has arrived, and it's making managers miserable. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of the flexible workplace; the struggles managers face in adapting to it, and the negative effects of too much flexibility. 

Finally, we will provide a roadmap for managers to find the balance between flexibility and structure that will lead to success in the hybrid workplace.

The Flexible Workplace and its Benefits

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

With the advent of hybrid work arrangements, employees have greater flexibility in how they work than ever before. This has not only led to increased job satisfaction but also to greater productivity and work-life balance. It's no wonder, then, that companies and managers have embraced this trend as a way to attract and retain top talent.

The benefits of a flexible workplace are manifold. Companies are unleashing their full potential by giving employees the power to shape their work environment. As a result, employees have more control over their time and workspaces, leading to increased focus and creativity. They can also manage their personal lives more easily, leading to greater job satisfaction and loyalty.

The Struggle for Managers

The rise of the flexible workplace has left many managers feeling like they are in uncharted waters. Managing remote and hybrid teams requires new skills and approaches, and many managers are struggling to maintain productivity and engagement among their teams while ensuring efficient and effective work.

Some of the biggest challenges managers face in the flexible workplace include:

Monitoring and measuring productivity

  • Difficulty in keeping track of what employees are doing in different physical spaces
  • Adapting to new tools and metrics required for managing remote and hybrid teams
  • Ensuring everyone is on the same page

Creating synergy among team members

  • Preventing employees from working in isolation without much interaction with others
  • Avoiding breakdowns in communication, collaboration, and teamwork

Managing employee engagement and motivation

  • Keeping everyone working towards the same goals, despite greater employee autonomy
  • Maintaining a sense of teamwork and collaboration

Overall, more flexibility can positively affect productivity and team culture. Finding the right balance is key to success in the new world of work.

"Managing a remote team is like trying to paint a masterpiece with your eyes closed. You know what it's supposed to look like, but you can't see it happening in real-time." - Ann Handley.

The Paradox of Choice

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

The paradox of choice is a real phenomenon, and it can have negative effects on employee performance and morale. For example, employees with too much autonomy may struggle with decision paralysis, analysis paralysis, and a lack of direction.

In the context of the flexible workplace, this can lead to reduced productivity, missed deadlines, and a lack of focus. Additionally, too much flexibility can create silos and a lack of communication and collaboration among team members, further exacerbating the problem.

The Middle Ground

To strike a balance between too much flexibility and too much structure in a flexible workplace, managers can take the following steps:

Communicate expectations clearly

  • Set measurable goals for employees
  • Provide regular feedback and check-ins

Foster a culture of collaboration

  • Create opportunities for employees to work together and share their ideas and insights.
  • Schedule regular team meetings and virtual team-building activities

Leverage technology to manage productivity

  • Use tools to track and monitor employee performance
  • Ensure everyone is working towards the same goals

Provide training and development opportunities

  • Help employees develop the skills they need through corporate wellness programs to succeed in a flexible workplace.

By finding the middle ground, managers can create a culture of communication and collaboration that fosters productivity and teamwork and unlock the full potential of their teams in the new world of work.

The Flexibility Paradox Resolved

In the end, the flexibility paradox can be resolved by finding the right balance between too much flexibility and too much structure. By striking a middle ground, managers can create a culture of communication and collaboration that fosters productivity and teamwork while still giving employees the autonomy they crave.

As we move forward into the future of work, it's clear that the flexible workplace is here to stay. Of course, the challenges of managing remote and hybrid teams will continue, but by finding the right balance, managers can create a culture of collaboration and productivity that fosters success and growth.

At The Wellness Tribe, we believe in the power of employee wellness to drive productivity and success in the workplace. By promoting a healthy work-life balance and providing resources and support for employees to thrive in a flexible workplace, we can help managers strike the right balance and achieve their goals. With the right tools, strategies, and mindset, we can all thrive in the new world of work.

Emotional Wellness

Meditation: The First Step to Calmer, Clearer Minds

November 11, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

We live in a world full of distractions and stimulations. But imagine if there was a way to slow things down for the mind to unwind and for our body to let go of that stress.

What was the last time you devoted some time to being still, putting down your phone, and getting rid of all the distractions around you?

When was the last time you didn't do anything? 

Today, let’s discover how meditation can benefit us in our life. Whether you are new or have done some meditation before, you will find this guide very helpful. 

Meditation: What Exactly Is It?

So you may be asking, Well, what is meditation? Honestly, it's actually a really simple thing. In essence, meditation is a skill that trains our minds so we can maintain a calmer, clearer mind and feel more at ease mind body soul.

Thus, we're taking a few minutes out of our everyday routine and training our minds to be less distracted and more present. No need to become a monk or nun to meditate. 

Many people assume that meditation is meant to control the mind, change the mind, and get rid of thoughts and distractions. There is more to meditation than that. If you've been introduced to meditation through a workplace wellness program or other employee wellbeing program, you can make it easy at home without any help. 

Here’s an Example to Make It Easier

Begin Your Journey Towards a Calmer, Clearer Mind With Meditation
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Look at meditation in this way. Imagine that you're sitting on the side of the road. Now, you have just to sit there and watch the cars. The cars are your thoughts. Sounds easy, right? We tend to feel unsettled when the traffic moves.

So to stop the cars, we run out into the road. Perhaps we even forget the point of sitting there in the first place, chasing after some. Obviously, running around all the time only increases our restlessness in mind.

So by training the mind, we can transform our relationship with those passing thoughts and feelings. Having a different perspective on things allows us to find the peace we need for prosperous mental health.

Is it possible to get distracted from the idea of the exercise sometimes? Indeed, as soon as we remember, we're back on the roadside, watching the traffic go by, entirely at ease, body and mind. A fundamental method of cultivating a sense of peace is focused attention.

"Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity." - Voltaire

The Art of Meditation

It's important to have something to focus our attention on when we're training our mind body soul. It could be a visualisation, a question, a word, a phrase, or maybe even something external. The most common thing to focus on is the breath.

Our focus of attention gives us an anchor. We can turn to it when we suddenly realise our minds have wandered. That, of course, will happen sometimes.

It's not that we're trying to block out thoughts or isolate ourselves from the world we live in when we focus on an object like our breath. But, rather than getting sucked into that type of thinking or distraction, we're learning to step out of it, let it go, and return to our calm, focused attention.

The Science Behind Meditation

‍The Science Behind Meditation
Photo by cottonbro studio

The concept of focused attention is not new. Thousands of years ago, Buddhists practised meditation to achieve inner piece and happiness. People who have practised meditation for years have felt the benefits but don't necessarily know how it works physiologically.

The last 20 years have seen scientists rigorously measure blood pressure, heart rate, stress levels, and even brain structure to see what's happening.

There is something called "neuroplasticity." It explains that the brain is flexible and malleable, that it could change, and that scientists were actually witnessing this by putting monks through an fMRI scanner and noticing what was happening to the brain before, during, and after meditation.

It is now known that when we meditate, we are training a muscle, just like when we go to the gym and work out. We build it up. The same goes for that part of the brain linked to happiness and well-being.

It's getting thicker. It's getting stronger, so we actually spend more time in that place. Meditation's been proven to reduce stress, frustration, depression, and pain and also to increase happiness, heightening levels of patience, acceptance, and compassion. So even if you feel like nothing is happening when you meditate and practice mindfulness, you can be assured that it can improve your personal as well as wellbeing at workplace.

So if you wish to embark on a journey through mindfulness, let’s get started. with our Mindfulness Matters: How to Stay Steady during Storms guide.

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