
A New Approach to Corporate Wellness: Putting the Focus on the Team

May 5, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

In today's fast-paced work environment, corporate wellness programs often prioritize self-care to combat stress, burnout, and mental health issues. However, an emphasis on self-care might not be the ultimate solution for employee well-being. 

Instead, organizations should consider adopting a collective approach to wellness, fostering connections and support among team members.

Embracing the Collective Approach to Wellness

Moving beyond the individualistic mindset requires a paradigm shift in how we perceive and address workplace challenges. By reframing adversity as a shared experience, employees can strengthen their connections and work together to overcome obstacles. This approach allows team members to pool their resources, learn from one another, and develop novel strategies, creating a more resilient and supportive work environment.

One effective way to implement this mindset is by introducing "relational pauses" into the workplace. A relational pause is a temporary break from task work in which team members are invited to discuss how their work affects them personally. This exercise aims to facilitate genuine and authentic connections among employees, allowing them to support one another better and collectively navigate the challenges they face.

Uncovering the Power of "Struggling Well" as a Team

When adversity is framed as a collective experience, employees can relate to one another more effectively, leading to increased compassion and empathy. Sharing personal experiences allows team members to see each other in a more nuanced light, revealing both strengths and weaknesses. This openness fosters an environment where individuals can grow, learn, and lean on one another during challenging times.

Discussing emotions helps disperse overwhelming feelings and enables employees to make sense of their experiences. As teams practice relational pauses, they become more aware of their own dynamics and can make deliberate choices about how they interact with one another. This self-awareness and intentionality can lead to a more cohesive, empathetic, and supportive team environment.

Practical Ways to Incorporate Relational Pauses into the Workplace

Here are some suggestions on how to integrate relational pauses into your organization:

  • Make it a regular part of team meetings: Encourage team members to share their thoughts and feelings during status meetings. This will help normalize the practice and create a supportive atmosphere where employees feel comfortable opening up.
  • Respond to escalating emotions: If tensions rise during a meeting or project, take a moment to pause and focus on the emotional dynamics at play. Encourage team members to share their feelings and listen empathetically to one another.
  • Develop loss rituals: In situations where employees face significant setbacks or losses, create rituals that enable emotions to be acknowledged and processed. Sharing experiences and emotions helps build resilience and fosters a sense of shared purpose.
  • Incorporate relational pauses into existing wellness initiatives: Use existing wellness programs as a platform for introducing relational pauses. Focusing on work's emotional realities can make these initiatives more meaningful and impactful.

Case Studies: Successful Implementation of Relational Pauses

1. Redemptive Design Associates

Redemptive Design Associates, a design consultancy specializing in repurposing office spaces, has successfully integrated relational pauses into their workflow. 

After failed pitches, the team takes a moment to discuss their emotions and experiences, allowing them to process their frustrations, sadness, and hopefulness together, and fostering a supportive and understanding environment.

2. Palliative Care Unit

A palliative care unit in a large hospital has implemented a routine for discussing feelings after a patient's passing. By sharing their emotions, the staff members can better cope with their grief and support one another during difficult times.

3. Pacific Life Re's "Tea & Talk" Meetings

The London office of Pacific Life Re holds informal "Tea & Talk" meetings, where employees come together to discuss topics of shared concern. These gatherings, hosted by a wellness champion, have no fixed agenda, encouraging participants to share their thoughts and feelings in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

Embracing Emotions at Work

It's not uncommon for managers to hesitate when it comes to discussing emotions at work. However, smart leaders understand that embracing emotional openness can lead to improved communication, resilience, and teamwork. Encouraging employees to discuss and collectively work through challenges creates a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

By fostering a culture of open communication, employees can build stronger connections with their colleagues and better understand each other's perspectives. This promotes a sense of shared purpose, improving collaboration and helping the team navigate adversity together.

Closing Thoughts

As organizations continue to evolve, it is crucial to reevaluate our approach to corporate wellness. We can create a more supportive and resilient work environment by shifting the focus from self-care to collective well-being.

Fostering genuine connections among employees should be at the heart of modern corporate wellness initiatives. By embracing relational pauses and collective well-being, organizations can empower their employees to thrive together, leading to a more resilient, empathetic, and supportive work culture.


The Magic of Laughter: Celebrating World Laughter Day with a Smile

May 7, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

World Laughter Day, a global celebration held annually on the first Sunday of May, shines a light on the healing power of laughter and the importance of cultivating happiness. Founded in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, the pioneer of the global Laughter Yoga movement, this day aims to encourage a sense of global unity and friendship through the simple act of laughing. 

Genuine laughter has been proven to reduce stress, ease anxiety, and enhance mental and emotional well-being. On this delightful day, let's explore the magic of laughter and learn how to tickle our funny bones.

A Spoonful of Giggles

Laughter is a powerful tool that can lift our spirits, improve our health, and bring joy into our lives. Some of the benefits of laughter include:

  • Boosting productivity by creating a positive work environment
  • Strengthening the immune system and making us less susceptible to illnesses
  • Releasing feel-good hormones and reducing stress levels
  • Transforming our minds and bodies, promoting overall well-being
  • Cultivating ease in life by helping us release inhibitions and build confidence
  • Improving our mood and balancing our emotions
  • Strengthening relationships and fostering connections with others

Now that we've explored the benefits of laughter, it's time to add a dash of humor to our lives and reap the rewards of a good chuckle.

Laughter in Different Cultures

Laughter transcends borders and languages, connecting people across diverse cultures. Here are some examples of how laughter is celebrated and enjoyed in different parts of the world:

  • Japan: In Japan, laughter therapy, or "warai," is gaining popularity as a way to improve mental and physical health. Laughing clubs and "warai" sessions are becoming more common, helping people relieve stress and promote well-being.
  • Africa: In some African cultures, laughter is believed to have spiritual and healing properties. Traditional healers, known as "ngangas" or "sangomas," often incorporate laughter into their healing rituals.
  • India: The Laughter Yoga movement, founded by Dr. Madan Kataria, originated in India. Laughter Yoga clubs and sessions can now be found in over 100 countries, bringing the joy of laughter to people worldwide.

By exploring laughter's role in different cultures, we can learn to appreciate its universal appeal and better understand its ability to unite people from all walks of life.

Bringing Humor to Workplace Wellness Sessions

Companies can introduce unique and unconventional wellness sessions to promote laughter and cultivate a happy work environment. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Improv Comedy Workshops: Encourage employees to let loose and think on their feet with fun improv comedy sessions. These workshops can help develop communication skills, creativity, and quick thinking, all while providing a hearty dose of laughter.
  2. Laughter Yoga Sessions: Combine the physical benefits of yoga with the healing power of laughter. Guided laughter yoga sessions can help employees release stress, boost their mood, and improve overall well-being.
  3. Humorous Public Speaking Training: Help employees conquer their fear of public speaking by adding a touch of humor. Train them to incorporate jokes and humorous stories into their presentations, making it enjoyable for both the speaker and the audience.
  4. Meme Competitions: Organize a lighthearted meme competition where employees can create and share hilarious memes related to their work or industry. This can be a fun way to encourage creativity and laughter in the office.
  5. Stand-up Comedy Lunch Breaks: Invite local comedians to perform during lunch breaks, giving employees a chance to relax and laugh together. This can help build camaraderie and foster a sense of community within the company.

Quirky Ways to Bring Laughter into Your Life

To help you harness the power of laughter, here are some fun and quirky ideas that will have you grinning in no time:

  • Create a laughter jar: Fill a jar with jokes, puns, or funny memories. Whenever you need a quick pick-me-up, pull out a slip and enjoy a good laugh.
  • Host a comedy movie marathon: Invite friends or family over for a night filled with your favorite comedy films. Laughter is contagious, and sharing it with loved ones can make it even more enjoyable.
  • Start a laughter journal: Each day, jot down something that made you laugh or smile. This will help you focus on the positive aspects of life and make it easier to find humor in everyday situations.
  • Try laughter meditation: Combine the power of laughter with the mindfulness of meditation. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and allow yourself to laugh freely without any specific reason.

Embracing Laughter with a Balanced Perspective

While laughter offers numerous benefits and can help us lead happier, healthier lives, it's essential to recognize its limitations. Laughter can provide temporary relief, but lasting healing and wellness come from seeking inner peace and truth. By combining laughter with mindfulness, self-awareness, and personal growth, we can pave the way for long-term happiness and well-being.

A World United by Laughter

As we celebrate World Laughter Day, let's remember the powerful impact of laughter on our lives and strive to cultivate happiness within ourselves and those around us. By embracing the joy of laughter and incorporating it into our daily lives, we can create a happier, more united world – one giggle at a time. So go ahead, laugh out loud, and share the gift of laughter with the world!

Emotional Wellness

Meditation: The First Step to Calmer, Clearer Minds

November 11, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

We live in a world full of distractions and stimulations. But imagine if there was a way to slow things down for the mind to unwind and for our body to let go of that stress.

What was the last time you devoted some time to being still, putting down your phone, and getting rid of all the distractions around you?

When was the last time you didn't do anything? 

Today, let’s discover how meditation can benefit us in our life. Whether you are new or have done some meditation before, you will find this guide very helpful. 

Meditation: What Exactly Is It?

So you may be asking, Well, what is meditation? Honestly, it's actually a really simple thing. In essence, meditation is a skill that trains our minds so we can maintain a calmer, clearer mind and feel more at ease mind body soul.

Thus, we're taking a few minutes out of our everyday routine and training our minds to be less distracted and more present. No need to become a monk or nun to meditate. 

Many people assume that meditation is meant to control the mind, change the mind, and get rid of thoughts and distractions. There is more to meditation than that. If you've been introduced to meditation through a workplace wellness program or other employee wellbeing program, you can make it easy at home without any help. 

Here’s an Example to Make It Easier

Begin Your Journey Towards a Calmer, Clearer Mind With Meditation
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Look at meditation in this way. Imagine that you're sitting on the side of the road. Now, you have just to sit there and watch the cars. The cars are your thoughts. Sounds easy, right? We tend to feel unsettled when the traffic moves.

So to stop the cars, we run out into the road. Perhaps we even forget the point of sitting there in the first place, chasing after some. Obviously, running around all the time only increases our restlessness in mind.

So by training the mind, we can transform our relationship with those passing thoughts and feelings. Having a different perspective on things allows us to find the peace we need for prosperous mental health.

Is it possible to get distracted from the idea of the exercise sometimes? Indeed, as soon as we remember, we're back on the roadside, watching the traffic go by, entirely at ease, body and mind. A fundamental method of cultivating a sense of peace is focused attention.

"Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity." - Voltaire

The Art of Meditation

It's important to have something to focus our attention on when we're training our mind body soul. It could be a visualisation, a question, a word, a phrase, or maybe even something external. The most common thing to focus on is the breath.

Our focus of attention gives us an anchor. We can turn to it when we suddenly realise our minds have wandered. That, of course, will happen sometimes.

It's not that we're trying to block out thoughts or isolate ourselves from the world we live in when we focus on an object like our breath. But, rather than getting sucked into that type of thinking or distraction, we're learning to step out of it, let it go, and return to our calm, focused attention.

The Science Behind Meditation

‍The Science Behind Meditation
Photo by cottonbro studio

The concept of focused attention is not new. Thousands of years ago, Buddhists practised meditation to achieve inner piece and happiness. People who have practised meditation for years have felt the benefits but don't necessarily know how it works physiologically.

The last 20 years have seen scientists rigorously measure blood pressure, heart rate, stress levels, and even brain structure to see what's happening.

There is something called "neuroplasticity." It explains that the brain is flexible and malleable, that it could change, and that scientists were actually witnessing this by putting monks through an fMRI scanner and noticing what was happening to the brain before, during, and after meditation.

It is now known that when we meditate, we are training a muscle, just like when we go to the gym and work out. We build it up. The same goes for that part of the brain linked to happiness and well-being.

It's getting thicker. It's getting stronger, so we actually spend more time in that place. Meditation's been proven to reduce stress, frustration, depression, and pain and also to increase happiness, heightening levels of patience, acceptance, and compassion. So even if you feel like nothing is happening when you meditate and practice mindfulness, you can be assured that it can improve your personal as well as wellbeing at workplace.

So if you wish to embark on a journey through mindfulness, let’s get started. with our Mindfulness Matters: How to Stay Steady during Storms guide.

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