
Mindfulness Matters: How to Stay Steady during Storms

October 28, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

During these times of wars, illnesses, crimes, economic turmoil, and all the bad things happening around the world, it can be hard to regulate our worry and stop dwelling on worst-case scenarios.

This is where mindfulness meditation may be most beneficial. What is mindfulness, what are its advantages, and how can we incorporate it into our everyday lives?

Mindfulness: What Does It Mean?

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by Kyson Dana on Unsplash

Mindfulness refers to focusing on the current moment without judgement. Our innate human capacity to be completely present without being overreactive or overwhelmed is known as mindfulness. When we practise mindfulness, we return our attention back to the present moment, enabling us to regulate our thoughts rather than the other way around.

Mindfulness is also the polar opposite of spending life on autopilot, which most do without even recognising. How can you know if you're in autopilot mode?

Do you find yourself ticking off task after task without taking a break? Do you often contemplate when doing something as simple as assisting your kid with homework? 

If you answered yes, it's time to embrace mindfulness. Pause for a minute. Take note of your child's giggles.

Find Your Peace in the Midst of the Turmoil and Enjoy Benefits Such As:

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by M Venter

Improved Emotional Stability

Studies, as well as our experts, suggest that attentive people manage stress better and avoid harmful coping mechanisms. They are aware of their own feelings as well as the emotions of others. Therefore, they approach events calmly and cope effectively with unexpected circumstances, ultimately leading a happy healthy life than those who don’t practice mindfulness.

According to research, those who practise mindfulness better manage anxiety caused by diseases, making it more relevant in our daily lives.

Better Professional Performance

Mindful meditation enables us to concentrate on one task at a time, reducing our tendency to get distracted. It also increases creativity by removing negative thoughts that stifle creative thinking.

Practising mindfulness helps us concentrate on the present and allows for better ideation, clear communication, and active listening —- all of which are valuable qualities to have a perfect work life balance.

Better Interpersonal Relationships

Mindfulness practice helps us create better ways of interacting with others. It teaches us to avoid emotional responses and approach every interaction with empathy and patience – something we could all use right now.

Overall, mindfulness is related to increased regard for people and their feelings, making it simpler for us to change our actions to better our relationships. This is especially true when it comes to having wellbeing at workplace as we start to deal with every situation mindfully. 

In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity." - Albert Einstein

Here’s How to Get Started With a Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness Matters: Holding Steady in the Storm
Photo by RF._.studio

Set Your Intention for the Day:

Mornings are ideal for this, but if you can't, choose a time that works best for you throughout the day. Simply take these few steps:

  • Sit up straight with your spine relaxed, not stiff.
  • Take three slow, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Consider your day's schedule and ask yourself what your purpose is.
  • Respond to the question and state your objective, which may include being kinder to yourself, eating well, getting certain tasks done, and so on.
  • Check-in with yourself throughout the day to make sure you're on track.

It is important to take frequent breaks while working since sitting continuously can be harmful to your health.

Pay Attention to the Sound:

When you are feeling nervous or upset, focusing your attention on the noises around you may be relaxing and centering practice. You just need to complete the following activities:

  • For a minute, sit comfortably with your eyes closed.
  • Focus on the sounds around you and identify them. For example, the clock ticking, the fan whirring, and the leaves rustling. 

After one minute, take some time to notice how relaxed and present you feel. Do this every day to enhance your general mental health.

Get Some Stretches In:

Need a quick boost when working from home? You may do the following as long as your chair has a back:

  • Put your left hand on your right knee.
  • Place your right arm on the chair's back.
  • Stretch gently.
  • Take note of the stretch; after 60 seconds, return your body to its original position.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

Eat Mindfully:

Eat what you really want to eat, and don't rush through your lunch breaks. Take your time enjoying it. Be sure to pay attention to:

  • The different textures in your food
  • The time and effort put into putting it together
  • The explosion of flavours in your mouth

Dive Deep Inside Your Body:

It's easier than it seems. Close your eyes and:

  • Take note of any areas of your body where you experience tension; it might manifest as an ache or a tightness.
  • Bring your focus to a point in your body where you are not stressed.
  • Concentrate on the lack of tension as well as body sensations such as a steady pulse and a relaxed jaw.
  • Keep your attention on this for 10 seconds.
  • Consider that feeling extending throughout your body for another 10 seconds.
  • Return your focus to the initial source of tension in your body.
  • Focus on the difference if it feels different.
  • Repeat this practice many times, noting where and when the tension has eased so that the sensation might extend to the rest of your body.

Final Thoughts

You don't have to practise every single mindfulness method to feel better and more present. Experiment with various routines and strategies to see what works best for you and your schedule. After that, practise, practise, practise. We're going through a difficult period, but we'll emerge stronger.

Allow yourself to breathe, take a break, and be appreciative of the current moment in the meanwhile – it's the best any of us can do.

Occupational Wellbeing

The 5 most interesting insights from the 2022 Indeed Report

December 18, 2022
TheWellnessTribe Team

Indeed, the world's largest job search website recently released its 2022 Work Wellbeing Insights Report, which surveyed over 1,000 employees to understand their views on work and well-being. Here are the top five findings from the report:

Putting Well-Being Ahead of Career

A majority of workers value their well-being over their careers. The report found that 54% of workers prioritise their well-being over their career advancement, with only 46% putting their careers over their well-being. This indicates a shift in the traditional mindset of placing work over personal health and happiness.

Top 5 findings: 2022 Indeed Report

Work-life balance is the top concern for workers. When asked about their top concerns related to work, 61% of workers cited work-life balance as their top concern, followed by job security (50%) and stress levels (49%). This highlights the importance of companies providing flexible work options and support for their employees' mental and physical health.

Burnout Is More Widespread Than Acknowledged.

Top 5 Findings: 2022 Indeed Report
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Burnout is a widespread problem. The report found that 60% of workers have experienced burnout, with over half (51%) saying they have felt burnt out at their current job. Burnout can have serious consequences for both individual employees and companies, so it's important for employers to provide support and resources to prevent and manage burnout.

Indeed Report Job Satisfaction - 3/10 employees believe that low general job satisfaction is the main reason for the growing trend of quiet quitting.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on work and well-being. Over half (54%) of workers reported that the pandemic has negatively impacted their work and well-being, with common concerns including increased stress and anxiety levels and difficulty balancing work and personal responsibilities.

Greater Demand for Mental Health Services

Access to mental health resources is crucial. The report found that 88% of workers believe that their employer should provide mental health resources and support. This indicates a strong desire among workers for their companies to prioritise their mental health and provide resources to help them manage stress and other mental health concerns.

Office workers are faring better than other professions.

Office workers reported lower rates of toxic work environments compared to manual laborers and service workers (people who interact with customers or clients, including food and retail workers, teachers, and healthcare workers). During the pandemic, office workers also reported more improvements to their work schedules in terms of flexibility and hours, while manual laborers and service workers reported more deterioration.

Positive work environments contribute to well-being.

Positive work environments contribute to well-being.
Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

This finding highlights the importance of creating a positive work culture and investing in employee development and growth. Employers can contribute to the well-being of their employees by creating a supportive and positive work environment that fosters a sense of belonging, purpose, and meaning. This may include providing opportunities for professional development and growth, promoting open communication and collaboration, and recognizing and valuing the contributions of employees.

In addition to creating a positive work culture, employers can also support the well-being of their employees by addressing any factors that may be contributing to stress or negative feelings. This may include addressing workload, providing resources for mental health support, and promoting work-life balance. By prioritizing their employees' well-being, employers can improve their workforce's overall health and happiness and increase productivity and overall business success.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, the findings from Indeed's 2022 Work Wellbeing Insights Report highlight the importance of paying attention to well-being in the workplace. From prioritising work-life balance to providing mental health resources, there are many steps that employers can take to support their employees' well-being and create a healthier and more positive work environment.

Wellness Tribe Team has put together a workplace wellness guide for 2023; you can check it out here etc.

Personal Wellbeing

Bouncing Back Better: Embracing Resilience in the Workplace

December 28, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

What does it mean to be resilient in the workplace? Why is it important to be resilient at work? How can you boost employee resilience? The following article will provide you with all the information you need.

The last three years have seen organisations and employees become more flexible and adaptive. However, the epidemic has caused many people to feel more stressed and worried because of the changing workplace dynamics and widespread remote work.

The way individuals respond to change has a significant impact on their personal and professional lives. Therefore, organisations should prioritise employee wellness initiatives that assist their employees in developing a resilient mindset.

Resilience in the Workplace: What Does It Mean?

Bouncing Back Better: Embracing Resilience in the Workplace
Photo by Arlington Research on Unsplash

As organisations evolve, everyone must adapt to changes and difficulties. Resilience should therefore be one of the top strategic objectives. People capable of adjusting to changes and staying productive will be better equipped to meet the organisation's needs.

Regardless of employee loyalty, health issues, current events, or personal obstacles will always affect them. In addition, employee wellbeing is affected by changes at work, such as new technologies and interpersonal conflicts. Therefore, employers must show compassion and support to assist their employees in coping with stress and overwhelm.

Here are few tips to build resilience in the workplace.

Identify Employee Workloads

Employees being given too many tasks can lead to stress and worry. Therefore, managers and supervisors should keep an eye on their employees' workload. 

Employees can prioritise their activities based on deadlines and expectations using project management tools that provide an overview of what each team member is working on. Additionally, learning time management skills will help people avoid being overwhelmed and respond effectively to new challenges.

Develop a Culture of Compassion

An organisation can cultivate a culture of compassion for its employees and others, and the results will always be worth it. Developing strong work connections and increasing collaboration between coworkers fosters employee engagement and performance while decreasing turnover.

The company will benefit from building workplace resilience in today's rapidly changing business climate. Assess your organisation's resilience and health at work. 

Promote Mindfulness Exercises

Bouncing Back Better: Embracing Resilience in the Workplace
Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

Individual resilience is a personal trait. Mindfulness is one mental training technique that can be quite beneficial as it helps a person improve their ability to see their surroundings because how they think significantly impacts how they perceive their surroundings.

Mindfulness training enhances cognitive flexibility, which helps people perform better at work. Empathy, compassion, and emotional intelligence can all be enhanced by mindfulness activities. These characteristics lower employee stress, stimulate employee creativity and engagement and foster resiliency, all of which can help organisations perform better.

Set a Good Example.

Strong leaders who can exhibit resilience to their employees may benefit from a workplace that supports resilience. An employee who regularly sees this attribute may benefit from this good example. Consequently, individuals may feel more driven to improve their workplace resilience. 

You may display great leadership abilities and resilience while leading or working with others by creating workplace objectives, tackling problems confidently, and managing stress constructively.

Consider Resilience Training.

Offering resilience training in the workplace through an employee wellness program can educate you and your team on how to manage stress healthily, tackle obstacles professionally, and return to work after a difficult period. 

Look for expert speakers who can inspire and educate your team about resilience, or have your colleagues and team members prepare presentations on how they employ this talent at work. Make sure to highlight the resilience, its importance at work, and how team members may develop it throughout the training.

Identify Your Employees’ Needs.

When managers recognise their team members' needs and challenges, they can assist them in developing resilience. It is important to learn about these experiences because resilience aims to help people overcome adversity. 

Managers can help their employees overcome barriers, distractions, or difficulties when they're aware of them. Ask your workers about their problems in questionnaires, and you'll better understand their needs. By gathering the essential facts, you can begin developing strategies for building resilience within the team and maintaining a healthy work environment.

Identify and Accept Flaws.

It is possible for managers to help their teams recognise and accept mistakes and challenges in the workplace by admitting shortcomings. As a result of this strategy, workers may be able to develop resilience during times of difficulty

Employees can be motivated by their dissatisfaction when managers encourage them to learn from their mistakes. It allows people to learn from their failures and grow so they can succeed in the future. Self-resilience can also be developed in the workplace through employee wellness initiative.

Incentivise Volunteers

People are able to stretch themselves and reach beyond their comfort zones by volunteering at work. In order to build resilience, individuals might take on new initiatives or jobs that are challenging. 

Managers and team leaders may be more willing to encourage employees to take advantage of changes when they offer incentives. It may be appropriate for managers to give volunteers an extra day of paid time off so they can take charge of a project and create a schedule.

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