
Study Reveals: Purpose Might Be the Key to a Sharper, Healthier Brain

Learn how finding your "why" can boost cognitive function, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

August 17, 2024

Have you ever felt that spark of excitement when you're fully engrossed in a task, losing track of time and feeling a deep sense of fulfillment? That's the "flow state," and it's not just a fleeting feeling - it's a sign of a brain firing on all cylinders. Recent research suggests that finding your purpose in life isn't just about happiness or fulfillment; it's also a key factor in maintaining a healthy, resilient brain.  

Scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital have developed a Brain Care Score (BCS) card, a tool to assess your brain health based on lifestyle habits and physical and emotional well-being. Surprisingly, one of the most influential factors on this score isn't diet or exercise - it's having a clear sense of purpose.  

Dr. Andrew Budson, a neurology expert at Harvard Medical School, explains, "Determining one's 'meaning of life' has the potential to supercharge each score on that BCS card." In essence, finding your "why" can improve your lifespan and, more importantly, your healthspan – the years you live in good health and vitality.

The Science of Purpose and Brain Health

Purpose isn't just a philosophical concept; it has a tangible impact on your brain. Studies have shown that individuals with a strong sense of purpose experience:

  • Improved cognitive function: Purposeful individuals tend to have better memory, attention, and problem-solving skills, reducing the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety: A clear purpose in life provides a sense of direction and control, helping to buffer the effects of stress and promote emotional well-being.
  • Enhanced sleep quality: Purposeful individuals often report better sleep, which is crucial for brain health and overall well-being.
  • Strengthened immune system: Studies have linked a sense of purpose to a more robust immune response, helping to fight off illness and disease.  

The underlying mechanisms are still being explored, but it appears that purpose triggers a cascade of positive effects on the brain, promoting neural connections, reducing inflammation, and enhancing resilience.

Assessing Your Brain's Well-Being

Now that we've explored the powerful connection between purpose and brain health, let's turn our attention to a practical tool that can help you assess your current brain health and identify areas for improvement. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have developed a Brain Care Score (BCS) card, a simple yet comprehensive way to gauge how your lifestyle choices and health factors might impact your brain's future.

Think of the BCS as a report card for your brain. It tallies points across twelve key areas, ranging from physical markers like blood pressure and cholesterol to lifestyle habits like sleep and exercise, and even social-emotional factors like stress management and a sense of purpose. The higher your score, the better equipped your brain is to ward off cognitive decline and age-related diseases.

Let's break down the components of the BCS:

Category - Factors

Physical - Blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI)

Lifestyle - Nutrition, alcohol intake, smoking, aerobic activities, sleep

Social-Emotional - Stress management, social relationships, meaning in life

Each factor is assigned a score of 0, 1, or 2, with a maximum total score of 21. While every aspect contributes to brain health, the study found a particularly strong correlation between higher BCS scores and a reduced risk of dementia and stroke.

Purpose Might Be the Key to a Sharper, Healthier Brain
Brain Care Score (BCS) card

Interestingly, the study also revealed that the benefits of a high BCS were more pronounced in younger participants, suggesting that early intervention and proactive brain care can have a significant impact on long-term cognitive health.

So, how does your brain measure up? While the full BCS card may not be readily available to everyone, you can still use its principles as a guide. Reflect on your lifestyle choices and health habits. Are you prioritizing sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet? Are you managing stress effectively and nurturing meaningful social connections? Do you have a clear sense of purpose in your life?

Finding Your "Why"

Purpose Might Be the Key to a Sharper, Healthier Brain
Source : Betterup.com - What is Ikigai

So, how do you find your purpose? It's not always a straightforward answer, but it often involves looking beyond yourself. Many people discover their purpose through contributing to something larger than themselves, whether it's a cause, a community, or a creative endeavor.

The Okinawans call it "ikigai," the Nicoyans in Costa Rica call it "plan de vida," but the essence is the same: "why I wake up in the morning."

If you're unsure of your purpose, start by exploring your values, passions, and dreams. What activities make you lose track of time? What problems in the world do you feel compelled to solve? What legacy do you want to leave behind?

Don't be afraid to experiment and take risks. As the saying goes, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle."  

The Power of Flow

The Power of Flow
The Power of Flow

Purpose isn't just about grand ambitions; it's also about finding joy and meaning in everyday activities. When you're fully engaged in a task, you enter a state of flow, where action and consciousness merge, and you experience a heightened sense of focus and enjoyment.

This flow state is a powerful brain booster. It activates various regions of the brain, promoting creativity, problem-solving, and learning. It also releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation, reinforcing the positive experience and encouraging you to seek it out again.

Whether it's pursuing a passion project, mastering a new skill, or simply enjoying a hobby, engaging in activities that bring you into a state of flow can have a profound impact on your brain health and overall well-being.

Purpose-Driven Activities for Your Corporate Crew

In the corporate context, finding purpose isn't just a personal journey; it's also about aligning individual goals with the company's mission and values. When employees feel a sense of purpose in their work, they're more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive.  

Companies that foster a culture of purpose often experience lower turnover rates, higher employee satisfaction, and improved overall performance. By creating opportunities for employees to contribute to something meaningful, you're not just boosting their brain health; you're also fueling the success of your organization.

Here are five dynamic activities to infuse your workplace with that flow, fostering a culture where purpose and well-being intertwine:

  1. "My Why" Mondays: Kick off the week by inviting employees to share a short story or reflection on their personal or professional "why." This could be a rotating 5-minute spotlight during a team meeting, or even a dedicated Slack channel for sharing throughout the day. It reminds everyone of their individual motivations, creating a sense of shared purpose and inspiration.
  2. "Innovation Incubator" Fridays: Reserve a dedicated time each week for employees to pitch ideas outside their normal scope of work. This could be a new product idea, a process improvement, or even a creative solution to a community problem. It encourages out-of-the-box thinking, taps into individual passions, and can lead to unexpected breakthroughs.
  3. "Mentorship Match-Up": Pair senior employees with newer team members for regular one-on-one sessions. This not only facilitates knowledge transfer but also allows for meaningful connections and the passing on of wisdom, giving both mentors and mentees a sense of purpose and growth.
  4. "Brain Breaks with a Twist": Instead of just stretching or taking a walk, incorporate activities that challenge the mind and spark creativity. This could be a quick team puzzle, a brainstorming session around a company challenge, or even a 5-minute guided meditation. It helps to keep minds sharp while also promoting team bonding.
  5. "Community Cause Champions": Identify a cause your company is passionate about and empower employees to champion it. This could involve volunteer days, fundraising initiatives, or skill-sharing with the community. It reinforces your company's values, fosters a sense of collective purpose, and makes a tangible difference in the world.

These activities are designed to tap into the intrinsic motivations of your employees, connecting their personal passions with the company's mission. By fostering a sense of purpose, you're not just promoting brain health - you're creating a workplace where individuals are engaged, energized, and excited to contribute their best.

We at Power8 understand the unique challenges and opportunities of creating a purpose-driven workplace culture in India. Our team of experts can help you design and implement wellness programs that go beyond the physical, fostering a sense of belonging, meaning, and fulfillment among your employees. From team-building workshops to personalized coaching, we're committed to helping you unleash the full potential of your workforce.

Embrace Your Purpose, Elevate Your Brain

In a world filled with distractions and demands, finding your purpose can feel like a daunting task. But remember, it's a journey, not a destination. It's about exploring your passions, contributing to something larger than yourself, and finding joy in the everyday moments.

As you embrace your purpose, you'll not only enrich your life but also nourish your brain, setting the stage for a long, healthy, and fulfilling future.

So, take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. What's your "why"? Once you discover it, hold on to it tightly, for it has the power to transform not just your brain, but your entire life.

Emotional Wellness

Meditation: The First Step to Calmer, Clearer Minds

November 11, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

We live in a world full of distractions and stimulations. But imagine if there was a way to slow things down for the mind to unwind and for our body to let go of that stress.

What was the last time you devoted some time to being still, putting down your phone, and getting rid of all the distractions around you?

When was the last time you didn't do anything? 

Today, let’s discover how meditation can benefit us in our life. Whether you are new or have done some meditation before, you will find this guide very helpful. 

Meditation: What Exactly Is It?

So you may be asking, Well, what is meditation? Honestly, it's actually a really simple thing. In essence, meditation is a skill that trains our minds so we can maintain a calmer, clearer mind and feel more at ease mind body soul.

Thus, we're taking a few minutes out of our everyday routine and training our minds to be less distracted and more present. No need to become a monk or nun to meditate. 

Many people assume that meditation is meant to control the mind, change the mind, and get rid of thoughts and distractions. There is more to meditation than that. If you've been introduced to meditation through a workplace wellness program or other employee wellbeing program, you can make it easy at home without any help. 

Here’s an Example to Make It Easier

Begin Your Journey Towards a Calmer, Clearer Mind With Meditation
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Look at meditation in this way. Imagine that you're sitting on the side of the road. Now, you have just to sit there and watch the cars. The cars are your thoughts. Sounds easy, right? We tend to feel unsettled when the traffic moves.

So to stop the cars, we run out into the road. Perhaps we even forget the point of sitting there in the first place, chasing after some. Obviously, running around all the time only increases our restlessness in mind.

So by training the mind, we can transform our relationship with those passing thoughts and feelings. Having a different perspective on things allows us to find the peace we need for prosperous mental health.

Is it possible to get distracted from the idea of the exercise sometimes? Indeed, as soon as we remember, we're back on the roadside, watching the traffic go by, entirely at ease, body and mind. A fundamental method of cultivating a sense of peace is focused attention.

"Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity." - Voltaire

The Art of Meditation

It's important to have something to focus our attention on when we're training our mind body soul. It could be a visualisation, a question, a word, a phrase, or maybe even something external. The most common thing to focus on is the breath.

Our focus of attention gives us an anchor. We can turn to it when we suddenly realise our minds have wandered. That, of course, will happen sometimes.

It's not that we're trying to block out thoughts or isolate ourselves from the world we live in when we focus on an object like our breath. But, rather than getting sucked into that type of thinking or distraction, we're learning to step out of it, let it go, and return to our calm, focused attention.

The Science Behind Meditation

‍The Science Behind Meditation
Photo by cottonbro studio

The concept of focused attention is not new. Thousands of years ago, Buddhists practised meditation to achieve inner piece and happiness. People who have practised meditation for years have felt the benefits but don't necessarily know how it works physiologically.

The last 20 years have seen scientists rigorously measure blood pressure, heart rate, stress levels, and even brain structure to see what's happening.

There is something called "neuroplasticity." It explains that the brain is flexible and malleable, that it could change, and that scientists were actually witnessing this by putting monks through an fMRI scanner and noticing what was happening to the brain before, during, and after meditation.

It is now known that when we meditate, we are training a muscle, just like when we go to the gym and work out. We build it up. The same goes for that part of the brain linked to happiness and well-being.

It's getting thicker. It's getting stronger, so we actually spend more time in that place. Meditation's been proven to reduce stress, frustration, depression, and pain and also to increase happiness, heightening levels of patience, acceptance, and compassion. So even if you feel like nothing is happening when you meditate and practice mindfulness, you can be assured that it can improve your personal as well as wellbeing at workplace.

So if you wish to embark on a journey through mindfulness, let’s get started. with our Mindfulness Matters: How to Stay Steady during Storms guide.

Corporate Wellness

Establishing Employee Trust: 5 Ways to Make It Happen

October 21, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

With the fear of an impending recession, hiring freezes, and mass layoffs, many individuals are experiencing great stress and uncertainty at work right now. Employees want to know whether their job is secure, what they should be doing, and what the future holds.

In times like this, it may be incredibly difficult for managers to build trust in their teams. What information should you provide, and how much of it should you share? How can you be open about the company's problems without discouraging your employees? How can confidence be provided without making misleading promises?

Here are some 8 strategies for assisting your team through times of uncertainty:

Keep It Up-To-Date

Establishing Employee Trust  5 Ways to Make It Happen
Photo by Kindel Media

Because of uncertainty, things are always changing; what is true now may no longer be true tomorrow. That is why, as a manager, it is critical to keep your team members as informed as possible to avoid them getting stressed.

Schedule frequent meetings to keep your staff up to speed on recent strategy changes and actively communicate relevant information as it becomes available. When your employees are sure that you are dedicated to keeping them informed, it may reduce uncertainty and foster a better feeling of trust.

Be Open and Honest

While you must be careful with the information you offer, it is critical that you be as explicit and honest as possible. Be candid about the reality that no one, including you, can completely predict what lies ahead, but that you do know the company is doing all it can to provide a solid foundation for the future. 

Make it apparent that the corporation wants you to share what you know by using phrases like "I shouldn't be telling you this" or "don't discuss this with anybody, but..." In order to avoid instilling secrecy and suspicion, make an explicit effort to emphasise that the information you are delivering is coming straight from leadership.

Assume Responsibility

When an unfavourable event occurs, be sure to accept responsibility as their leader.

As a leader, it is your responsibility to accept responsibility for the welfare of the whole team, even if it is not directly your fault. Accept responsibility for all actions, good and bad, and your team will begin to trust you.

"Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge." - Simon Sinek

Prepare for Similar Discussions

Establishing Employee Trust  5 Ways to Make It Happen
Photo by Thirdman

It may be challenging for employees when every day is different, and things are continuously changing, so be prepared to have similar talks with your team members about the same pain areas, questions, and worries. 

Try to be patient, even if you believe you've previously discussed this, since your staff may need to go over things many times before they feel more in control. Additionally, be consistent in the information you provide with the team to minimise misunderstanding or misinterpretation. Incorporate employee wellness programs to start such conversations. 

Be Confident and Enthusiastic

Because your actions and attitude as a manager may significantly impact your staff, it is critical to show confidence in leadership and excitement for the future. While things are unpredictable and no one knows everything, it is your obligation to emphasise what you do know and how you can best position the team to go ahead efficiently. 

Always endeavour to lead with positivity and acknowledge your team's efforts. Language such as "we've got this" and "I'm so pleased with all the effort our team has done" is an excellent method to foster togetherness and optimism.

Activities That Build Trust

Establishing Employee Trust  5 Ways to Make It Happen
Photo by RF._.studio

Morale is increased via Trust-Building Activities. It's been proved that when individuals appreciate their employees, they're happier and more productive—and this doesn't happen by chance. Providing activities aimed at creating trust in teams is one method to boost morale while also increasing trust.

Provide Emotional Support

During times of uncertainty, stress and anxiety are understandable. Take the time to check in with your team members on a regular basis. Begin your weekly meetings by asking how your staff are doing and if there is anything you can do to help. 

Pay close attention to what they are saying and asking so that you can follow up later. As a manager, it is critical to consider your employees' viewpoints and to evaluate what you would like to hear if you were in their shoes.

Invest in Your Employees

High-trust workplaces foster holistic development and employee well-being in their teams and members. When growing talent inside the business, they employ a development attitude, providing chances for managers and direct reports to meet and discuss whole-person growth, which includes both a professional and personal emphasis. 

Organisations that invest in their employees are more likely to retain talent and improve engagement. This can include employee wellness initiative, financial well-being programs, and fun wellness activities. 


Teamwork flourishes when members trust each other to deliver and match their contributions with quality and excitement. When there is trust at work, everyone always relies on others to provide consistent efforts and solid outcomes.

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