Emotional Wellbeing

The Blue Effect: How the Color Blue Affects Our Well-Being

December 16, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

Blue is a calming colour that is often associated with feelings of peace and tranquillity. This is why many people find that being around blue spaces, such as a clear blue sky or a deep blue ocean, can make them feel better. 

Spending time in blue spaces with a lot of blue in the colour scheme – can positively affect our mental health and well-being. The colour blue has long been associated with calmness and serenity, and research has shown that being in blue spaces can help us feel more relaxed and at peace. In this article, we will examine how blue spaces can provide us with a sense of well-being and improve our mood.

Why Is Blue So Special?

There are a few reasons why blue spaces can positively affect our mood and well-being. For one, the colour blue has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind. In fact, many people associate the colour blue with feelings of peace and tranquility. This is because blue is often associated with the sky and the ocean, which are both known for their calming effects.

One study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology found that people who spent time in a room with blue walls reported feeling more relaxed and less stressed than those who were in a room with white walls. The researchers also found that the blue room was more effective at lowering blood pressure and heart rate than the white room.

Provide Anxiety Relief

One of the reasons why blue spaces can improve our mood is that they can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Blue has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind and body and can help lower heart rate and blood pressure. This is why many hospitals and healthcare facilities use blue as a calming colour in their design. So being around blue spaces can help reduce stress and anxiety and make us feel more relaxed and at peace.

A Greater Focus and Concentration

The Blue Effect: How the Color Blue Affects Our Well-Being
Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

Blue spaces can also improve our mood by enabling us to focus and concentrate. The colour blue has been shown to affect our cognitive abilities positively and can help improve our focus and concentration. This is why many schools and offices use blue in their design, as it can help improve productivity and focus. In addition, being around blue spaces can help improve our cognitive abilities, making us feel more alert and focused.

Benefits Beyond Mental Health

In addition to the psychological benefits of blue spaces, they can also have physical health benefits. For example, being around blue spaces can help to improve our immune system, as the colour blue has been shown to have antimicrobial properties. This means it can help kill bacteria and other germs that can cause illness. So being around blue spaces helps protect our health and keep us feeling our best.

"Blue is the only color which maintains its own character in all its tones ... it will always stay blue." - Raoul Dufy

Incorporating More Blue Spaces

Spend More Time Outside

One way to incorporate more blue spaces into our lives is to spend more time outdoors. The sky and the ocean are two examples of naturally occurring blue spaces that can provide us with many of the benefits discussed above. 

The Blue Effect: How the Color Blue Affects Our Well-Being
Photo by steffi harms on Unsplash 

More Beach or Lake Visits

Visit the beach or a lake more often. One of the easiest ways to incorporate more blue spaces into our lives is to visit bodies of water regularly. The sound of waves crashing against the shore or a gentle stream can have a calming effect on our minds and help reduce stress and anxiety. Plus, the fresh air and sunlight can boost our mood and overall health.

Water Sports

Bring nature indoors. If you need easy access to a body of water, you can still incorporate blue spaces into your daily life by bringing nature indoors. This can be as simple as placing a fish tank in your home or office or adding a few plants to your space. The presence of water and greenery can help create a calming and peaceful atmosphere.

Closing Thoughts

As a corporate wellness company, we are always looking for ways to improve our client's employees' mental and physical well-being. One strategy that we have found to be particularly effective is the incorporation of blue spaces into the work environment.

Studies have shown that blue hues can have a calming and soothing effect on people, reducing stress and improving overall feelings of well-being. This can be especially beneficial in a corporate setting, where employees are often pressured to meet deadlines and perform at their best. Have you tried incorporating blue into your workplace? We would like to hear about your experience if you have one.

Mental Health

Perfectionism Leads to Anxiety, Depression, and OCD in Youth: Study

August 2, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

We often praise perfectionism as a quality that propels us to greatness. Yet, recent research paints a more complex and troubling picture, particularly for our youth. The drive for flawlessness might actually be linked to anxiety, depression, and OCD among individuals aged 6-24. 

Here's a closer look into this study that may cause us to rethink our views on perfectionism.

Understanding Perfectionism

What is perfectionism, really? It's not simply about wanting things to be perfect. It's a multifaceted personality trait characterized by:

  • High Standards: A relentless pursuit of excellence and accuracy.
  • Self-Criticism: A harsh and often unforgiving view of one's own performance.
  • Striving for Flawlessness: An ongoing need to achieve an unattainable ideal.

While this drive can fuel success, it's not without consequences. Perfectionism can lead to negative outcomes, especially among young people who are in a vulnerable phase of self-development.

The Two Sides of Perfectionism

Perfectionism isn't merely a monolithic trait; it's a multifaceted concept with layers that can either facilitate growth or foster discontent. Here's a closer examination of the two sides of perfectionism that the study sheds light on. You'll find that there's more to perfectionism than meets the eye.

1. The Drive to Excel

On one side of the coin, you have what's known as "perfectionistic strivings." This refers to the inherent desire to achieve high standards and excel in various pursuits. At its core, it's about setting ambitious goals and working diligently to attain them.

This form of perfectionism is not necessarily harmful. In fact, it can be a catalyst for growth, innovation, and success. It’s the fuel for athletes aiming for a gold medal or artists reaching for unparalleled creativity. 

When channeled positively, it becomes a driving force that propels individuals towards excellence without the self-flagellation often associated with perfectionism.

2. The Trap of Never Being Enough

The other side, however, is where the pitfalls lie. "Perfectionistic concerns" refer to an obsessive worry about achieving perfection, coupled with a constant fear of failure or judgment. This side of perfectionism can become a relentless chase, where the pursuit of flawless execution leads to an overwhelming sense of inadequacy.

Here, the standards are not just high; they are often unrealistic and unattainable. The fear of making a mistake or falling short can become paralyzing. 

It leads to stress, anxiety, and in some cases, even depression, OCD, and other mental health challenges. The desire for perfection becomes a burden rather than a motivator, leading to a cycle of self-criticism and dissatisfaction that can be difficult to break.

Not Just a Local Issue

The reality of perfectionism's impact stretches far beyond borders, cultures, and personal experiences. This isn't just a matter that concerns a select group; it's a global issue that resonates across various spheres of life. Here's an exploration of how and why perfectionism becomes a worldwide concern.

Consistency Across Cultures

The study found that the connections between perfectionism and mental health disorders such as anxiety, OCD, and depression were consistent across different countries. This provides compelling evidence that perfectionistic tendencies are not limited to specific cultural norms or societal pressures but are a human phenomenon.

It's not just about a high-achieving society or a competitive school system in one country. It's a shared struggle that transcends geographical locations. The pursuit of flawlessness has become a universal trait that may be rooted in shared human fears and desires. 

It calls for a broader understanding and acceptance that perfectionism and its consequences are common threads weaving through diverse human experiences.

Gender and Age: No Boundaries Here

What makes the study even more significant is its consistent findings across gender and age. The negative aspects of perfectionism don't seem to discriminate. Whether a young boy in his formative years or a teenage girl navigating the complexities of adolescence, the harmful side of striving for perfection manifests similarly.

The fact that perfectionistic concerns were found equally impacting both males and females suggests that societal pressures and personal aspirations are universally shared. 

Likewise, the consistency across different age groups within the 6-24 years range highlights that the struggle with perfectionism may begin quite early and extend through critical development stages.

The Dark Side of a Virtue

Perfectionism Leads to Anxiety, Depression, and OCD in Youth: Study

The research reveals that perfectionism can turn into a significant risk factor for developing psychopathology in young people. Particularly those who were already experiencing symptoms of anxiety, OCD, or depression showed even stronger connections with perfectionistic tendencies.

Moreover, the study found the association between perfectionism and psychopathology was even more pronounced in clinical samples than in non-clinical ones. It indicates that perfectionism is not just a quirk but a potentially severe issue that may require professional intervention.

Limitations and Path Forward

The study, while groundbreaking, had its limitations:

  • Methodology: Most of the included studies were cross-sectional, limiting causal conclusions.
  • Lack of Data: Variables like ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and cultural factors were unexamined.
  • Quality Variance: The quality of the studies varied widely, indicating potential methodological biases.

Despite these limitations, the research opens up vital pathways for future exploration. There's a need for interventions focusing on reducing the harmful aspects of perfectionism. It's about finding a balance that fosters ambition without crippling fear.

A Time for Reflection

The perfect balance, the flawless execution, the unblemished record – these are ideals we often strive for, especially in our success-driven culture. But at what cost?

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. What fuels some could destroy others. This study beckons us to reflect on how we approach perfectionism in our own lives and those of the young individuals around us.

It's a call for a cultural shift that not only celebrates achievement but also encourages growth, resilience, and self-compassion. We must build an environment that recognizes human value, embraces flaws, and nurtures the inherent potential in our youth – perfect or not.

Emotional Wellness

Meditation: The First Step to Calmer, Clearer Minds

November 11, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

We live in a world full of distractions and stimulations. But imagine if there was a way to slow things down for the mind to unwind and for our body to let go of that stress.

What was the last time you devoted some time to being still, putting down your phone, and getting rid of all the distractions around you?

When was the last time you didn't do anything? 

Today, let’s discover how meditation can benefit us in our life. Whether you are new or have done some meditation before, you will find this guide very helpful. 

Meditation: What Exactly Is It?

So you may be asking, Well, what is meditation? Honestly, it's actually a really simple thing. In essence, meditation is a skill that trains our minds so we can maintain a calmer, clearer mind and feel more at ease mind body soul.

Thus, we're taking a few minutes out of our everyday routine and training our minds to be less distracted and more present. No need to become a monk or nun to meditate. 

Many people assume that meditation is meant to control the mind, change the mind, and get rid of thoughts and distractions. There is more to meditation than that. If you've been introduced to meditation through a workplace wellness program or other employee wellbeing program, you can make it easy at home without any help. 

Here’s an Example to Make It Easier

Begin Your Journey Towards a Calmer, Clearer Mind With Meditation
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Look at meditation in this way. Imagine that you're sitting on the side of the road. Now, you have just to sit there and watch the cars. The cars are your thoughts. Sounds easy, right? We tend to feel unsettled when the traffic moves.

So to stop the cars, we run out into the road. Perhaps we even forget the point of sitting there in the first place, chasing after some. Obviously, running around all the time only increases our restlessness in mind.

So by training the mind, we can transform our relationship with those passing thoughts and feelings. Having a different perspective on things allows us to find the peace we need for prosperous mental health.

Is it possible to get distracted from the idea of the exercise sometimes? Indeed, as soon as we remember, we're back on the roadside, watching the traffic go by, entirely at ease, body and mind. A fundamental method of cultivating a sense of peace is focused attention.

"Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity." - Voltaire

The Art of Meditation

It's important to have something to focus our attention on when we're training our mind body soul. It could be a visualisation, a question, a word, a phrase, or maybe even something external. The most common thing to focus on is the breath.

Our focus of attention gives us an anchor. We can turn to it when we suddenly realise our minds have wandered. That, of course, will happen sometimes.

It's not that we're trying to block out thoughts or isolate ourselves from the world we live in when we focus on an object like our breath. But, rather than getting sucked into that type of thinking or distraction, we're learning to step out of it, let it go, and return to our calm, focused attention.

The Science Behind Meditation

‍The Science Behind Meditation
Photo by cottonbro studio

The concept of focused attention is not new. Thousands of years ago, Buddhists practised meditation to achieve inner piece and happiness. People who have practised meditation for years have felt the benefits but don't necessarily know how it works physiologically.

The last 20 years have seen scientists rigorously measure blood pressure, heart rate, stress levels, and even brain structure to see what's happening.

There is something called "neuroplasticity." It explains that the brain is flexible and malleable, that it could change, and that scientists were actually witnessing this by putting monks through an fMRI scanner and noticing what was happening to the brain before, during, and after meditation.

It is now known that when we meditate, we are training a muscle, just like when we go to the gym and work out. We build it up. The same goes for that part of the brain linked to happiness and well-being.

It's getting thicker. It's getting stronger, so we actually spend more time in that place. Meditation's been proven to reduce stress, frustration, depression, and pain and also to increase happiness, heightening levels of patience, acceptance, and compassion. So even if you feel like nothing is happening when you meditate and practice mindfulness, you can be assured that it can improve your personal as well as wellbeing at workplace.

So if you wish to embark on a journey through mindfulness, let’s get started. with our Mindfulness Matters: How to Stay Steady during Storms guide.

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