Occupational Wellness

From Zoom Calls to Chai Breaks: The Return of the Office

April 1, 2023
The Wellness Tribe Team

The pandemic has forced us to adjust to remote work, blurring the lines between our professional and personal lives. But with vaccinations and the easing of restrictions, the tide seems to be turning, with more and more employees choosing to go back to working from the office. 

According to a recent LinkedIn survey, 78% of Indian professionals are back to working from the office by choice. While remote work has its benefits, such as saving time and money on commuting, most workers miss the informal bonding that happens over a cup of chai during breaks. 

In this article, we'll delve into the findings of the survey and explore the changing attitudes toward remote work, the impact of remote work on career growth, and the importance of informal conversations in the workplace.

Remote Work & Career Impact

While remote work has been a savior for many employees during the pandemic, it has also raised concerns about its impact on career growth. Interestingly, the LinkedIn survey found that 63% of Indians surveyed feel that remote work has no harmful impact on their careers. 

However, for those who work remotely, the survey also highlighted the pressure to overcompensate and prove their commitment to work. With limited face-to-face interactions, there is a fear that employees may lose out on opportunities for career growth. 

The survey further revealed that a similar proportion of employees also believe that their chances of career growth could be reduced if they don't go to the office as much. As remote work becomes the new normal, it is essential to find a balance between the benefits of working from home and the opportunities that come with being in the office.

Back to the Office by Choice

As the world continues to navigate the post-pandemic landscape, the concept of work has undergone a paradigm shift. The new normal is a hybrid work model, which offers the best of both worlds - the flexibility of remote work and the social interaction of office work. 

Interestingly, a recent LinkedIn survey shows that a majority of Indian professionals (78%) are back to work from the office by choice. This is a clear indication of the importance of social interaction and face-to-face communication in the workplace. 

It appears that for many workers, the benefits of working from the office, such as increased productivity and better collaboration, outweigh the potential risks of exposure to the virus. Additionally, 86% of Indians feel positive about working in the office compared to a year ago, indicating that people are beginning to adjust to the new normal. 

As organizations adapt to this new reality, it will be interesting to see how they strike a balance between remote work and office work to meet the needs of their employees and maintain a productive work environment.

Thursday is the New Friday

Thursday has become the new Friday for Indian workers. A whopping 79% of Indians have said that they feel like Thursday is the new Friday. This could be because Friday is the least popular day for workers to go to the office. It seems that Indian professionals are not just working to live but also living to work.

But why has Thursday taken over as the new Friday? Perhaps it's because workers want to spend more time with their loved ones. After all, workers spend more time with family and friends on Fridays. They use the day to unwind, relax, and recharge for the weekend.

As a result, Indian professionals are structuring their work weeks differently. They're prioritizing their work on Mondays and Tuesdays, taking a break in the middle of the week, and finishing their tasks by Wednesday or Thursday. This way, they can enjoy their Fridays with their loved ones.

It seems that Indian workers have found a way to balance their professional and personal lives. They're not just clocking in and out of work; they're making time for what truly matters. And who knows, perhaps in the future, we might have to rename Friday to "Family Day."

The Importance of Chai Break Bonding

Remember those good old days of sipping a hot cup of chai while chitchatting with colleagues at the office? Well, it turns out that we are not alone in missing that bonding experience. According to this survey, 72% of Indian employees miss the camaraderie that comes with a chai break in the workplace.

For many workers, social interactions, efficient face-to-face meetings, and building work relationships are some of the top reasons for heading into the office. In fact, informal conversations with colleagues and team leaders can lead to unlocking new career opportunities and increasing recall value.

But the importance of chai break bonding goes beyond just building social connections. The survey found that impromptu exchanges during these breaks can also help boost long-term career growth when done with intention. As many as 15% of Indian employees reported that they are improving their visibility to management by having informal conversations with team leaders while at work.


The pandemic has undoubtedly reshaped the way we work and interact with our colleagues. As the world slowly adjusts to the new normal, it's essential to understand the changing attitudes towards remote work and the significance of in-person interactions.

At The Wellness Tribe, we understand the importance of employee well-being and the impact it has on overall business performance. We offer customized corporate wellness programs that focus on enhancing employee engagement, improving productivity, and fostering a positive work environment. Our programs include physical fitness, nutrition, mental health, and stress management to ensure holistic well-being.

So, if you're a business owner or an HR professional looking to create a positive and healthy workplace culture, contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your wellness goals.

Flexible Working

Talent Trends - Has 'Flexible Working' come to an end?

December 4, 2022
Wellness Tribe Team

Employers who have grown accustomed to flexible employment arrangements may soon face an unpleasant surprise.

On LinkedIn's behalf, a study by YouGov surveyed nearly 3,000 executives from organizations with at least 1,000 employees and at least £250 million in revenue ($288.5 million).

According to these statistics, remote job postings are declining. In India, for example, the number of remote job postings decreased by five percentage points since April, when they peaked at 20% of all job postings.

While this is still a good deal higher than pre-pandemic averages of 2%, it is still a stark contrast to what workers would like to see.

"Flexibility is an essential component of a successful work environment, enabling employees to find a balance between their professional and personal lives." - Stuart W. Crabb

Workplace flexibility is ranked as one of the most important objectives for workers after remuneration, alongside work-life balance, skills development, and compensation.

Even though the number of jobs requiring remote work has decreased in the United States, these advertisements still garner more than half of all applicants as of September.

Data shows that remote employment accounts for 14.6% of employment possibilities globally but receives 20.2% of application submissions. The number of remote jobs in India is 11.3%, while the number of resumes is 20.3%.

Remote Job Posts vs. Applications, September 2022

Talent Trends - Has 'Flexible Working' come to an end?
Source: LinkedIn Global Talent Report

Why are businesses cutting back?

LinkedIn polled its users about remote employment options and found that the trend towards remote employment was correlated with the current economic environment.

As part of a survey of executives, they were asked if the Coronavirus outbreak would force their companies to adopt more flexible working practices. In response to this question, more than 68% of executives said yes.

The current economic uncertainty has resulted in corporations in all parts of the world freezing their recruitment efforts. As a result, business leaders are under tremendous pressure to reduce costs and increase efficiency to pursue these goals.

Trends in workforce confidence

‍Trends in workforce confidence
Source: LinkedIn Global Talent Report

In the absence of an epidemic leading to a move toward flexible working and corporate wellness programs to help workers, the balance of power is now in the hands of employers.

This report also found that the current economic uncertainty adversely affects other employee benefits. In other words, 70% of CEOs agreed that skill development might need to be emphasized less in the future, and 75% said that employee well-being would likely receive less attention.

The survival of businesses depends on their ability to adapt to changing conditions. Some companies might think they can save money by reducing benefits like flexible scheduling, but they could suffer long-term consequences.

In companies that lag behind in adopting flexible and remote working, employees risk becoming demotivated and leaving for rivals who offer more attractive options. In order to survive, businesses will have to be more adaptable.

Businesses are beginning to offer a broader range of perks as a way to keep and attract workers—many still recovering from the Great Resignation. There have even been some employers who have adopted a four-day workweek.

We at TheWellnessTribe believe that businesses must be able to adapt and be flexible in order to succeed in the future.

In the long run, the winners will be those who recognize this as an opportunity, adapt and iterate, and explore new working methods.

Emotional Wellness

The Mindful Journey: Exploring the Art of Meditation

November 4, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

You are here means you are ready to embark on this journey. The best way of experiencing meditation is actually to do it, not just talk about it. Meditation isn't always easy; some days, it's going to feel easy, while others might feel hard. But, no matter how uncomfortable it feels, you just need to stay with it every time. 

Your emotional wellbeing and overall health can benefit from meditation. It can bring you calm, peace, and balance. As a relaxation tool, you can refocus your attention on something calming when you're stressed. Mediation can also help you stay centred and find inner peace. Meditation might help you find the perfect work life balance if you work continuously. 

The most important thing is that you set yourself up in a place where you will be comfortable. You can either lie down or sit up. You definitely don't have to be sitting cross-legged on the floor. 

Let's Begin

The Mindful Journey: Exploring the Art of Meditation
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

We're going to open our eyes and keep their gaze soft, just aware of the space around us. Now that you have your eyes softly focused, take a few deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth. As you breathe in, notice how the lungs fill with air, and the body expands.

As you exhale, notice that your body softens. Inhale through your nose one more time. And this time, as you breathe out through the mouth, if you'd like to, just gently close the eyes. Let's just enjoy and appreciate the feeling that we've stopped and have nothing to do, nowhere to go.

Take a Moment to Feel Changes in Your Body

Notice the feeling of weight—the weight of the body pressing down against the seat or the floor beneath you. And take a moment as well just to notice your surroundings without looking around, just noticing the different sounds, not trying to shut them out. 

And use this opportunity as well just to notice how the body feels. We rarely pay attention to how our bodies feel. So is there a feeling of heaviness or lightness in the body? Is there a feeling of restlessness?

And as you bring your attention to the body, just starting to become more aware of that feeling, that movement of breath in the body. So, therefore, there is no need to breathe in any particular way.

Just allow the body to do its own thing. Some people feel the movement of breath in their chest, their shoulders. For some, it's in the diaphragm, and for some, it's in the stomach. Put your hand gently on your belly to feel that rising and falling sensation. Because you can't feel anything, you can't feel any movement.

"Meditation is not a way of making your mind peaceful. It is a way of seeing the peace that is already there." - Vimala Thakar

Put an End to Your Wanderings

The Mindful Journey: Exploring the Art of Meditation
Photo by Jens Johnsson

Again, thoughts are going to pop into your mind. The mind's going to wander. Just notice when the mind's wandered off, and just gently come back to the breath. To begin with, we're just noticing the breath in a very general way and perhaps starting to notice whether the breaths are long or short, deep or shallow. And we might find ourselves thinking either about the exercise or other things, just realising when that's happened, let those thoughts go, and come back to the breath again.

The body knows how to breathe—not getting involved in any thinking, just allowing the thoughts to come and go. If you notice your mind has wandered and you want to bring it back to the breath, gently bring it back.

So we'll stay with that feeling, a rising and falling sensation, for a few moments longer. And then, just for a moment now, let go of any focus, even of the breath now, and for a few seconds, let your mind wander.

Put Your Mind at Ease

The Mindful Journey: Exploring the Art of Meditation
Photo by Cup of  Couple

So your mind’s been wanting to think, you can let it think now. Just allow it to do whatever it wants to do. And now, just gently bring the attention back to the body. Just coming back now to that feeling of weight, that feeling of contact against the seat or the floor beneath you.

Perhaps noticing the sounds around you again. And whenever you feel ready, you can just gently open your eyes again. But before you move, just take a moment to notice how you feel in your mind body soul. The more often we do this after meditation, the more we're reminded of how much we need to pause in our life to take this time out for ourselves.

One Final Piece of Advice

If you can resist any temptation to analyse what's happened, the benefits, or anything else, just know that taking the time it's making a difference. But remember, before you get up, just remind yourself to take this satisfaction and sense of well-being with you into your life.

It is important to take time out, be still, and be silent to live a happy healthy life. And there are real benefits to that, but what really makes meditation valuable is how it influences our everyday life, relationships, and experiences.

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