Occupational Wellbeing

Quiet quitting, great resignation, and moonlighting: Connecting the Dots

October 15, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

We have entered an era where millennials are doing things that make us scratch our heads and wonder what exactly they are trying to accomplish. It started with them abruptly resigning from their jobs, a phenomenon dubbed The Great Resignation. Then, in what is known as quiet quitting or taking it easy at work, they refused to perform beyond their minimum expectations. 

A growing number of Millennials are transitioning to gig labor as a way to escape the "ennui" of the 9 to 5 nonsense, which they deem monotonous. According to the most recent labor statistics, Millennials and Gen Z are increasingly working for numerous companies at once, contradicting the stereotype of loyal and dedicated workers. 

So what exactly is happening, and is there an underlying connection between great resignation, quiet quitting, and moonlighting? 

The Great Resignation

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Early in 2021, when people first started quitting their jobs in droves, most experts thought that the "Great Resignation" was a direct result of the pandemic's uncertainty and chaos.

The situation right now is strange. Despite a lifting of Covid restrictions and a subsiding pandemic in many countries, resignation letters are still flooding in. Even though there are widespread predictions of a slowdown, workers are actually quitting their jobs in large numbers. Many who have not left yet plan to do so soon as well.

Nevertheless, even a severe financial catastrophe, which many believe is imminent, may not be enough to prevent the Great Resignation and retain current employees. In the unlikely event that we experience a recession, we will need to wait and see how things unfold. Companies must adjust to accommodate employees and understand their needs through corporate wellness programs as long as employees know what they seek. 

Quiet Quitting

The majority of people are back to work, though they are doubtless unhappy to be there. As they have become accustomed to remote work, they are reluctant to quit, so they are happy to embrace the concept of quiet quitting. 

Rather than working late, participating in team-building activities, or volunteering for new initiatives, quiet quitting individuals move away from work and avoid the above and beyond. They are stepping away from the hustle and bustle culture.

Psychologists refer to the behavior as 'occupational citizenship behavior.' Quiet quitters keep up with just enough work at work, then leave on time and avoid slack. According to experts, the increase in quiet quitting has correlated with higher job dissatisfaction levels. 

Moreover, a sudden shift has occurred in the way we question the job and, most importantly, being at work. As a result, there is also a rapid change in expectations and job satisfaction. Corporate wellness programs can help companies better understand their employees' needs and why they are not satisfied at work by performing some activities with them. 


Photo by Garrhet Sampson on Unsplash

According to another survey, almost 65% of IT workers say they or someone they know moonlights or looks for part-time work while working from home.

Considering how young the workforce is and how big and developing the industry is, it should be no surprise that this is the case. IT companies with large staff have a difficult time creating a sense of loyalty and ownership. 

Young tech workers fully embrace the hustle culture, which often costs more to advance financially than one job does. So while salaries in Bangalore, India's IT hub, are relatively high, living expenses are also high. 

Along with increasing their income, many workers aim to advance their skills or pursue their passions. Furthermore, working from home has made it easier to combine a secondary job with a primary job while reaping both benefits.

The bottom line

Employers should not overlook the importance of moderation in behavior, even when great resignation, quiet quitting, and moonlighting have helped employers to understand the paradigm shift in worker demands. Employees who follow these trends will only betray their jobs if they break corporate policy. However, the corporation will not, under any circumstances, tolerate a decline in productivity.

Therefore, both the workers and the employers must increase their communication channels in a situation like this, where a change in all areas is required, so there is a clear understanding. Additionally, employers should pay their employees fairly, appreciate their efforts, and recognize their abilities in order to retain workers.

Corporate Wellness

Social Networking When You Hate It - An Introvert's Guide

November 18, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team

The pandemic has compelled us to go online in recent years. We could only conduct business online since physical meetings were not permitted. Some of us found it unbearable, while others benefited, making most of whatever was available in the form of a company.

We are progressively being asked to leave the safety of our virtual world and speak with actual words rather than emojis and GIFs now that things are more-or-less under control once again. So we can understand how some people would find that adjustment challenging.

Walking up to strangers can be intimidating and nerve-wracking. But with some practice and a few tips, you could meet new friends at every turn.

Learn the Three W's (Why, Where, and When) of talking.

The Three W's of Talking to Strangers—why, where, and when—help set the stage before delving into the specifics of how to approach someone you don't know.

  • Why? Find out why you want to talk to people you don't know.
  • Where? Go where people are to talk to them.
  • When? Use a stranger's body language to know when to talk to them.

Instead of thinking you need to connect with dozens of people or businesses, focus on connecting with just one. Once you've reached that goal, you might feel more confident to go on and talk to someone else. If you have a list of people who will be there, you can be even more specific about your goal.

Gain Connection Early

Understanding the Link Between Quiet Quitting, Great Resignation and Moonlighting
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

If you're shy or quiet, the best time to show up at an event is at the start. Fewer people are in the room during the pre-event period, so you can speak without being interrupted. Also, as the room fills up, everyone is looking for someone to talk to. 

When you make one great connection early on in the night, you'll gain confidence and meet more new people as the night progresses.

Icebreakers! Pick Yours

Understanding the Link Between Quiet Quitting, Great Resignation and Moonlighting
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Having a few icebreaker questions or topics ready can help you feel more comfortable when talking to someone for the first time. 

Among these topics are how they heard about the event, how long they've been with the organization, what they enjoy doing around town with their family, or what's exciting for them in the future. 

Try to engage in a natural conversation with your conversation partner instead of focusing solely on their work. Doing so leaves a lasting impression, learns what makes the person tick, and gets to know them better.

Here are a few examples of icebreakers:

1. How many countries have you visited?

2. What would be your dream place to live if you had the choice?

3. Do you have a favorite TV show?

Make A List

Understanding the Link Between Quiet Quitting, Great Resignation and Moonlighting
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Make a list of questions you can always ask to get you through the first few minutes of the meeting. No one in the world doesn't like talking about themselves. 

Find out what brand they work on, and tell them what you know about their company. Then, tell them why you like their product if you use it. This gives people a chance to tell stories, which is a great way to find things they have in common.

Keep It Going

The best way to build a long-lasting relationship is to become a mentor or mentee. The benefits of mentoring in business are many, including avoiding too much formality in the relationship. In addition, you can be honest with the other people involved by revealing your flaws and goals.

The fear of not knowing what to expect makes some people afraid to seek advice or assistance from others. Mentoring also helps you to understand the next generation better. The importance of building strong relationships below you is just as great as it is for those above you. In your role as a mentee, you will benefit from the advice and objective viewpoint of someone you trust and respect.

Closing Thoughts

There's no doubt that a strong network can help your business, and it works both ways. So, if you're stuck, look for ways you can help your peers. With that simple action, you're already social networking in the best way possible.

Do you feel better prepared to network now that you have the tips? What is one tip you can easily implement from this article? Let us know in the comments below.

Occupational Wellbeing

The Dark Side of Layoffs: The Impact on HR Professionals

February 4, 2023
The Wellness Tribe Team

Layoffs are becoming an all too familiar reality in today's fast-paced business world. As companies seek to streamline their operations and cut costs, HR professionals find themselves at the forefront of communicating these changes to employees. 

But behind the polished presentations and calm demeanour lies a heart-wrenching truth: the emotional toll that mass layoffs take on HR personnel is immense. These unsung heroes bear the weight of a company's decisions, facing their colleagues' tears, fears, and expectations. 

In this article, we'll take a closer look at HR professionals' stressors during layoffs, the alarming signs of burnout, and what can be done to protect their well-being. So join us as we delve into the bleak reality of layoffs and the heartbreaking burden on HR professionals.

Breaking Bad News

Breaking the news of a layoff can be one of the toughest parts of an HR professional's job. They are tasked with communicating the difficult decisions made by the company to employees and navigating the delicate balance between empathy and enforcing company policies. 

This can emotionally toll HR personnel as they face their colleagues' tears, fears, and expectations. The pressure to get it right can be immense, and the impact on their own mental health in the aftermath of a layoff season cannot be ignored. 

The Alarming Signs

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

The constant stress and pressure HR professionals face during mass layoffs can take a heavy toll on their physical and emotional well-being. In addition, burnout can manifest in a range of alarmingly clear symptoms, making it difficult for HR personnel to maintain their usual level of performance at work.

One of the most obvious signs of burnout is physical exhaustion. HR professionals may feel drained and fatigued, even after a full night's rest. This can lead to a lack of energy and motivation, affecting their ability to complete tasks and meet deadlines.

Another common symptom of burnout is a loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities. For example, HR professionals may find that they no longer derive pleasure from hobbies or social activities, which can lead to feelings of isolation and sadness.

A decline in cognitive function is another red flag. HR personnel may struggle to concentrate and complete tasks, making it difficult for them to carry out their day-to-day responsibilities effectively.

Protecting HR Wellbeing

As HR professionals navigate the difficult waters of mass layoffs, it is important to consider their well-being and prevent burnout. The good news is that there are steps that can be taken to reduce stress and promote recovery. In this section of our article, we'll explore the measures organisations can take to protect the health and well-being of their HR staff.

Support and Resources

Some of the most effective ways to prevent burnout are to provide HR personnel with support and resources. This can include offering counselling services, providing time off for self-care, and encouraging HR professionals to prioritise their own physical and mental health. By giving HR personnel the tools they need to manage stress, organisations can help them avoid burnout and maintain their productivity.

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." - Randy Pausch

Open Communication

The Dark Side of Layoffs: The Impact on HR Professionals
Photo by Christina Morillo

Organisations can also foster a positive work environment by promoting open communication and transparency. HR personnel should feel comfortable talking to their managers about the challenges they face and seeking help when needed. This can help to prevent burnout and build stronger, more resilient teams.

Investing in Professional Development

Another important step organisations can take is to provide HR personnel with training and development opportunities. This can help HR professionals build new skills and knowledge, which can boost their confidence and resilience. It also helps provide HR personnel with a sense of purpose and fulfilment, which can help counteract the negative effects of burnout.

Balancing Work and Wellness

Finally, organisations can promote a healthy work-life balance by encouraging HR personnel to take breaks and prioritise their own well-being. This can include taking time off for self-care, participating in physical activities, and engaging in hobbies and social activities. By creating a culture that values employee wellness, organisations can support HR personnel in their recovery from burnout and promote a positive work environment.

A Call to Action

As a corporate wellness company, we at The Wellness Tribe know all too well the toll that mass layoffs and HR burnout can take on organisations. But we also know that there is hope. By prioritising HR well-being and implementing strategies to reduce stress, organisations can support their HR personnel and maintain their productivity during trying times.

We believe that it is time for organisations to take action and invest in the health and well-being of their HR staff. By doing so, they can create a positive work environment and set their HR personnel on the path to recovery.

To summarise, here are some tips for protecting HR well-being and preventing burnout in the boardroom:

  • Provide HR personnel with support and resources to manage stress.
  • Foster open communication and transparency to build resilient teams.
  • Invest in professional development opportunities to boost confidence and resilience.
  • Promote a healthy work-life balance to counteract the negative effects of burnout.
  • Finally, take a comprehensive approach to HR wellness by implementing a culture that values employee health and wellbeing.

In conclusion, it's time to take action and prioritise HR well-being. By doing so, organisations can support their HR personnel and promote a positive work environment. So join us at The Wellness Tribe in the call to action to prevent burnout in the boardroom. Together, we can make a difference.

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