Occupational Wellbeing

The 5 most interesting insights from the 2022 Indeed Report

December 18, 2022
TheWellnessTribe Team

Indeed, the world's largest job search website recently released its 2022 Work Wellbeing Insights Report, which surveyed over 1,000 employees to understand their views on work and well-being. Here are the top five findings from the report:

Putting Well-Being Ahead of Career

A majority of workers value their well-being over their careers. The report found that 54% of workers prioritise their well-being over their career advancement, with only 46% putting their careers over their well-being. This indicates a shift in the traditional mindset of placing work over personal health and happiness.

Top 5 findings: 2022 Indeed Report

Work-life balance is the top concern for workers. When asked about their top concerns related to work, 61% of workers cited work-life balance as their top concern, followed by job security (50%) and stress levels (49%). This highlights the importance of companies providing flexible work options and support for their employees' mental and physical health.

Burnout Is More Widespread Than Acknowledged.

Top 5 Findings: 2022 Indeed Report
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Burnout is a widespread problem. The report found that 60% of workers have experienced burnout, with over half (51%) saying they have felt burnt out at their current job. Burnout can have serious consequences for both individual employees and companies, so it's important for employers to provide support and resources to prevent and manage burnout.

Indeed Report Job Satisfaction - 3/10 employees believe that low general job satisfaction is the main reason for the growing trend of quiet quitting.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on work and well-being. Over half (54%) of workers reported that the pandemic has negatively impacted their work and well-being, with common concerns including increased stress and anxiety levels and difficulty balancing work and personal responsibilities.

Greater Demand for Mental Health Services

Access to mental health resources is crucial. The report found that 88% of workers believe that their employer should provide mental health resources and support. This indicates a strong desire among workers for their companies to prioritise their mental health and provide resources to help them manage stress and other mental health concerns.

Office workers are faring better than other professions.

Office workers reported lower rates of toxic work environments compared to manual laborers and service workers (people who interact with customers or clients, including food and retail workers, teachers, and healthcare workers). During the pandemic, office workers also reported more improvements to their work schedules in terms of flexibility and hours, while manual laborers and service workers reported more deterioration.

Positive work environments contribute to well-being.

Positive work environments contribute to well-being.
Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

This finding highlights the importance of creating a positive work culture and investing in employee development and growth. Employers can contribute to the well-being of their employees by creating a supportive and positive work environment that fosters a sense of belonging, purpose, and meaning. This may include providing opportunities for professional development and growth, promoting open communication and collaboration, and recognizing and valuing the contributions of employees.

In addition to creating a positive work culture, employers can also support the well-being of their employees by addressing any factors that may be contributing to stress or negative feelings. This may include addressing workload, providing resources for mental health support, and promoting work-life balance. By prioritizing their employees' well-being, employers can improve their workforce's overall health and happiness and increase productivity and overall business success.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, the findings from Indeed's 2022 Work Wellbeing Insights Report highlight the importance of paying attention to well-being in the workplace. From prioritising work-life balance to providing mental health resources, there are many steps that employers can take to support their employees' well-being and create a healthier and more positive work environment.

Wellness Tribe Team has put together a workplace wellness guide for 2023; you can check it out here etc.

Occupational Wellbeing

The Future Of Work: New Era of Workplace Transformation

February 5, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

Welcome to a world where traditional workplace boundaries are being redefined. The clock is ticking, and it's time to transform the way we work to keep up with the fast-paced, technology-driven world we live in.

Gone are the days of drab office spaces, rigid work hours, and outdated technologies that leave employees feeling drained and uninspired. It's time to embrace the latest techniques and technologies that promote employee productivity and well-being in the workplace.

From flexible work arrangements to cutting-edge technologies, this article will take you on a journey to explore the latest tools for transforming the workplace into a place where employees thrive. 

Join us as we delve into the power of collaboration, the benefits of employee training and development, and the impact of wearables and sensors on employee health.

Outdated Offices and Burnout

The Future Of Work: New Era of Workplace Transformation
Photo by kate.sade on Unsplash

The Future Of Work: New Era of Workplace Transformation

The traditional office space, with its rigid structure and lack of flexibility, can often be the source of employee burnout and decreased productivity. From cramped cubicles to outdated technologies, these workspaces fail to meet the changing needs and demands of the modern workforce.

As a result, employees are left feeling stifled and uninspired, leading to a decline in morale and a rise in burnout. Outdated work practices, such as long hours in front of a computer, only exacerbate the issue, leaving employees feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled.

It's time to break free from the constraints of traditional office spaces and embrace innovative solutions that promote employee well-being and productivity. Only then can we create vibrant and dynamic workspaces that inspire and invigorate rather than exhaust and deflate.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." - Steve Jobs

The Power of Flexibility

Flexible work arrangements and remote work options have revolutionized the traditional 9-to-5 office environment. Employees are given the freedom to work from anywhere, at any time, allowing them to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

But it's not just about freedom of location; it's also about the freedom to grow. Employee training and corporate wellness programs provide opportunities for individuals to learn and expand their skill sets, leading to increased creativity and innovation within the workplace.

Collaborative technologies have made virtual teamwork a seamless reality. Teams can now work together, regardless of location, to achieve common goals and drive success. These technologies break down geographical barriers, fostering a sense of unity and belonging among remote employees.

Finally, health and wellness initiatives are integral to promoting a healthy work-life balance. These programs benefit the employees and lead to a more productive, motivated, and engaged workforce. By prioritizing the well-being of employees, organizations can create a sustainable culture of success for years to come.

Enter the Future with Cutting-Edge Technology

  • Imagine a workplace where artificial intelligence and automation work hand-in-hand with human ingenuity to achieve maximum work efficiency.
  • Picture a virtual and augmented reality world where immersive experiences take training and development to new heights.
  • Envision a workplace where wearables and sensors keep employees informed and empowered to maintain their health and well-being.

The future of the workplace is here, and it's time to embrace cutting-edge technology that is transforming the way we work. The limitations of traditional office spaces and outdated technologies can no longer hold us back. By adopting innovative solutions, we can boost productivity, foster creativity, and enhance our workforce's overall health and well-being.

Real-Life Transformations That Prove the Point

The Future Of Work: New Era of Workplace Transformation
Photo by fauxels

Are you curious about how companies are embracing innovation and technology to transform their workplaces? Here are some of the most inspiring real-life transformations that prove the point:

  • Google's "Workspace" - Revolutionizing the way teams collaborate with AI-powered tools and seamless communication.
  • Amazon's "Mechanical Turk" - Transforming the gig economy with AI-powered micro-tasks and virtual work opportunities.
  • Salesforce's "Einstein AI" - Elevating customer experience to new heights with AI-powered insights and personalized recommendations.

Imagine a world where your workplace operates like Google's Workspace, fostering collaboration and communication with AI-powered tools. Picture a gig economy like Amazon's Mechanical Turk, where AI powers virtual work opportunities. Envision a customer experience like Salesforce's Einstein AI, where AI-powered insights and personalized recommendations reign supreme.

These workplace transformations serve as a call to action, inspiring organizations to embrace the future and drive change in their own workplace. 

Embrace the Future, Transform Your Workplace

The time has come to set your organization apart and create a workplace that inspires employee pride and satisfaction. A workplace that is at the forefront of progress and innovation, where cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions drive productivity, creativity, and overall health and well-being.

Looking to create a workplace that is future-ready, fosters innovation, and prioritizes employee well-being? At The Wellness Tribe, we are dedicated to helping organizations achieve just that. Our team of experts offers cutting-edge solutions that utilize the latest technologies, including AI-driven analysis, to help you transform your workplace into a thriving hub of creativity, productivity, and wellness. Don't hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about how we can help your organization stay ahead of the curve and create a sustainable culture of success.


Why It's Time to Step Away from the 10,000-Step Goal

September 2, 2023
Nitesh Padghan

India, with its vibrant mix of tradition and modernity, has been a silent observer of global health trends. In bustling cities from Mumbai to Bengaluru, where skyscrapers touch the heavens and streets buzz with life, a wellness revolution is unfolding. At its heart? The time-honored goal of 10,000 steps. But as the corporate world evolves, it's time we pause, reassess, and ask: Is this step count really the answer for employee health?

You see, every organization, from startups in Hyderabad to tech giants in Pune, wants a workforce that's not just present, but thriving. The '10,000 steps a day' mantra, for years, has been the go-to solution. On paper, it's straightforward. In practice? Maybe not so much. Especially when you consider the hustle of Indian urban life, where juggling work, family, and self-care can be a daily tightrope walk.

Unpacking the 10,000-Step Enigma

We've all heard it. The clarion call to march towards the 10,000-step milestone. But where did this number even come from? Not a medical lab or a wellness guru, but a 1964 marketing strategy in Japan. As the Olympics fever soared, a company marketed a pedometer, weaving the 10,000-step narrative. Fast forward, and this number has cemented itself in the global wellness lexicon.

manpo–kei (10,000 steps meter)

But here's the rub. For the average Indian employee, swamped with tasks and battling city traffic, this target often feels like scaling Mount Everest daily. If you're strolling at a leisurely 100 steps a minute, this goal translates to nearly 12 hours of walking every week. It's not just daunting—it can feel downright unattainable, especially for those tucked away in office cubicles or stationed at shopfronts.

The Science Speaks

Here's where things get interesting. Global studies, with sample sizes in the hundreds of thousands, are flipping the script. Turns out, it's not about hitting a lofty target, but consistent, meaningful activity. An increase of just 500 steps daily (that's a mere five-minute jaunt) can slash cardiovascular risks by 7%. Ramp it up to 1,000 steps, and the overall mortality risk dips by 15%. The real sweet spot? A more doable 4,000 steps.

This isn't just about numbers. It's about understanding the diverse fabric of the Indian workforce. The young techie in Gurgaon might be game for a 10k challenge. But the seasoned executive in Chennai? Perhaps not. And that's okay. The focus should be holistic wellness, not a one-size-fits-all metric.

Wellness in the Tech Era

India's tech prowess is no secret. From mobile apps to digital platforms, technology is reshaping how we approach wellness. The old-school pedometer has made way for sleek apps that don't just count steps but offer a holistic view of health. The Indian employee today has a suite of digital tools at their fingertips, tracking everything from sleep patterns to nutrition.

Companies too are catching on. Innovative platforms are offering rewards for wellness milestones, bridging physical health with tangible incentives. It's a win-win, ensuring employees are engaged, motivated, and on a path to holistic health. After all, in today's dynamic corporate landscape, employee well-being is not just a perk—it's a priority.

Redefining Workplace Wellness Goals

The 10,000-step goal, while inspirational for some, might need a rethink. As India strides into a new era of corporate wellness, the emphasis should shift from lofty targets to sustainable, meaningful wellness practices. Whether it's flexible work hours to accommodate physical activity, office spaces designed for movement or digital tools to track and reward wellness, it's clear: the future of employee health is holistic, inclusive, and personalized.

In essence, while the 10,000 steps might still find enthusiasts, the broader goal is clear: crafting a wellness narrative that's rooted in scientific insights, practicality, and the diverse needs of the Indian workforce. After all, in the intricate dance of well-being, it's not just about the steps, but the journey itself.

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